I had submitted 5 complaints against union leaders in Belgaum city working as Branch Managers of a nationalised bank along with documentary evidences Copies of all the complaints were sent to ACB,RBI,CVC,Bank's CVO and CBI.All these institutions have forwarded my complaints to Bank's CVO.BUT ALL THESE COMPLAINTS HAVE BEEN HUSHED UP UNDER THE REASON THAT THERE IS NO SUBSTANCE IN THE COMPLAINTS.
It is learnt that CVO had sent all these complaints to Regional Head of Belgaum region for his comments..Even Regional Head is a ex office bearer of Union and very close to All India General Secretary.Hence,he ensured that all my complaints find its natural death at the initial stages.Hence,Bank has not taken any action on any union leaders
I am a dismissed employee of this bank on false and fabricated charges and allegations of fraud due to the consiracy of these union leaders.I was denied of the assistance of an officer to defend me in the inquiry prtoceedings and I was also denied of documentary evidences sought by me to defend myself in the Inquiry proceedings.
Complaints are bieng hushed up under the reason that I am complaining due to my venum and vengeance and I am dismissed on the charges of fraud.Hence,my complaint is not maintainable.But,I am in possession of documentary evidences against all these leaders
While I am filing writ petetion in the court against my dismissal order,I want that all these leaders are punished
Kindly advise me to proceed in nthis matter