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Amit   06 April 2023

Bank freeze

I have reported the fir in cyber crime online for fraud transaction. Bank said to me now you apply for the new debit card and after that you will use your account for transaction but when I recieved the card and tried to do transaction i am unable to do it. Then i contact to branch they tell me your account is freeze by cyber crime but i don't get any notice regarding this from the bank or cyber crime. Why my account is freezed, when I report for the fraud transaction. The frauder bank should be freeze, why my account. What i do next to unfreeze it


 3 Replies

Shakti Maan (lawyer at Supreme Court delhi 9650334626)     06 April 2023

Police officials found something suspicious in your accout regarding fraud transaction.... they would scrutiny your account... my advice is to you that you should file an application in the court, with the help of a good advocate, for defreezing your account....

Dr J C Vashista (Advocate)     06 April 2023

Contact and consult a local prudent lawyer with relevant records for proper appreciation of facts / documents, professional advise and necessary proceeding.

T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Advocate)     06 April 2023

Account freezes are not permanent but generally require the account holder to take certain actions before they can be lifted.

Account freezes are not permanent but generally require the account holder to take certain actions before they can be lifted

 If you prove there's no reason for the freeze, the bank can grant you full access to the account again. But do so promptly, as you may have limited time to make a claim.

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