The problem faced by the BG applicants are that departments never return original Bank guarantee document or a letter of no claim for years together, and even for doing this normal routine work, they demand 10% of BG as ..... and when their Head office (govt.,) located at long distances, it is becoming a problem for applicants to go to that office or paying ........
Banks though reversing the contra entry, and though there is no liability, are not releasing Guarantee margin deposits even for decades stating the original BG is not being returned by Govt., dept., and there is no response for notices given to that dept., stating that because of restrictive clause, there is no liability for the bank and hence original BG may be returned.
This is the existing problem and if members can throw light on justification of keeping deposit as security for decades when there is no liability in their BG register/records/accounts and even when Govt., dept are not responding for several notices to return original BG due to restrictive clause. This procedure being followed seems strange. and members please provide solution as it helps lot of innocent applicants. There are several cases pending at consumer forums on this problem and unfortunately no body is sure of exact procedure to fight out with Banks to get refund of deposit even when there is no past, present or future liability.