Dear Sir,
My Cousin brother from Andhra Pradesh gave INR. 2.50 Lakhs to his known family friend because that family friend told him that they will arrange INR. 20 Lakhs loan from a Nationalised Bank through a Bank Manager who is their relative without taking any documents from him. But my cousin brother paid INR. 2.5 Lakhs by borrowing from his colleague working together in the office.
So, to create trust and good will they produced their own land documents with the signature.
Unfortunately, for the past 3 years there is no loan process or arrangement of loan from them.
When he asked about the loan amount, there is no proper response from them and not giving him back the money.
Instead they have shifted their house and avoided meeting him.
They have cheated him. Till now, my cousin brother is paying the borrowed loan amount interest INR. 3.30 Lakhs. My cousin brother is suffering lot.
Please kindly request you to advise us on this issue.