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raman (other)     05 November 2012

Bank locker without will or nominee

My grandfather and grandmother both had bank locker but without any

nominee or will both of them has been passed away without any will

There are 4 members as legal Passover but due to quarrel we are unable to resole

It has been 2 to 3 years so my question was if we go to court what can happen

And will the property which is in side the safe will be taxable?


 6 Replies

Gopikrishna Kalyanam (Lawyer)     05 November 2012

Dear Sri. Raman,

Greetings. Normally the Banks require a Succession Certificate in the absence of a nomination. Of course, if the four of you come to an  understanding it will be good. But, if concerned parties decide to opt for litigation, it will take some years to resolve the issue. Try to mediate an arrangement amongst yourselves. Best Wishes

Kumar Doab (FIN)     05 November 2012

Mr. Kalyanam has given valuable advice. Kindly follow it.

On its part bank has to adopt Customer Friendly approach as per guidelines issued by RBI, IBA etc and approved by its board and as published on its web site and available with BM of the bank. You may obtain the bank polic, from bank.

The moment BM feels and realizes that legal heirs have tussle and no mutual understanding the BM shall, all antennas shall be up and bank shall adopt a rigorous approach to safeguard its interest and it may take lot of time and expenses to obtain the docs asked by bank.

21.      Access to the safe deposit lockers / safe custody articles return of

         safe custody articles to Survivor(s) / Nominee(s) / Legal heir(s):

21.2      Access   to   the   safe   deposit  lockers   /  return   of  safe   custody

articles (without survivor/nominee clause)


21.2. There is an imperative need to avoid inconvenience and undue hardship


to legal heir(s) of the locker hirer(s). In case where the deceased locker hirer


had   not   made   any   nomination   or   where  the   joint   hirers   had   not   given   any


mandate that the access may be given to one or more of the survivors by a


                                            - - 61 - -

                                                                   DBOD-MC on Customer Service 2009


clear   survivorship   clause,   banks   are  advised   to   adopt   a   customer-friendly


procedure drawn up in consultation with their legal advisers for giving access


to   legal   heir(s)   /   legal   representative  of   the   deceased   locker   hirer.   Similar


procedure should be followed for the articles under safe custody of the bank.


21.3. Preparing Inventory


21.3.1. Banks should prepare an inventory before returning articles left in safe


custody / before permitting removal of the contents of a safe deposit locker as


advised      in  terms    of   Notification   DBOD.NO.Leg.BC.38/             C.233A-85       dated


March 29, 1985. The inventory shall be in the appropriate Forms set out as


enclosed      to  the   above     Notification    or  as   near   thereto    as   circumstances


require. A copy of the above Notification is shown as Annex IV of this circular.


21.3.2 Banks are not required to open sealed/closed packets left with them for


safe custody or found in locker while  releasing them to the nominee(s) and


surviving locker hirers / depositor of safe custody article.


21.3.3. Further, in case the nominee(s) / survivor(s) / legal heir(s) wishes to


continue      with   the   locker,    banks     may    enter    into  a   fresh    contract    with


nominee(s)   /   survivor(s)   /   legal   heir(s)   and   also   adhere   to   KYC   norms   in


respect of the nominee(s) / legal heir(s).


21.4    Simplified operational systems / procedures


As per the direction of Reserve Bank, the Indian Banks' Association (IBA) has


formulated a Model Operational Procedure (MOP) for settlement of claims


of the deceased constituents, under various circumstances, consistent with


the   instructions   contained   in   this   circular,   for   adoption   by   the   banks.   The


banks   should,   therefore,   undertake   a   comprehensive   review   of   their   extant


systems   and   procedures   relating   to   settlement   of   claims   of   their   deceased


constituents      (i.e.,  depositors     /  locker-hirers     /  depositors     of  safe-custody


articles)    with   a  view   to  evolving     a simplified    policy    /  procedures     for  the


purpose, with the approval of their Board, taking into account the applicable


statutory provisions, foregoing instructions as also the MOP formulated by the




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Attached File : 848328670 deceased depositor account 57cs010709 full.pdf downloaded: 206 times

surjit singh (Assistant)     05 November 2012

Both the above opinion are true to the mark, but to me it appears there is no chances of an amicable settlement so in that case go for a succession certificate where notices to the legal heirs will be given by the court. This is the only procedure available with you. Go for the procedure of getting the successon certificate.

JANAK RAJ VATSA (ADVOCATE)     06 November 2012

an amicable solution by involving a mediator would be preferable to avoid the long drawn legal battle.

surjit singh (Assistant)     08 November 2012

In these type of the matters I have personally seen that one of the party deliberately avoid the matter in order to delay the settlement and so in such case I think going for the succession certificate is the only option.

Kumar Doab (FIN)     08 November 2012

Try the mediation by elders. It may be worth it.

Do not let the bank get hint of dispute.

If nothing works approach a lawyer and court.

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