Hi All,
While searching over the Internet, I found basic cross examination techniques on the
Thanks to MenRightsIndia for putting such a great article. I personally like the following section:
Cross-exam questions to elicit wife’s independent nature and non-abla-naari status:
Did you study in XYZ college?
Was that college in your hometown or outside?
Assuming it was outside: Did you stay in a hostel then?
Assuming it was in same city: How far was the college from your home? How did you reach college and back home from college? If she says she went by bus, then ask: Did anyone accompany you in the bus like your father etc? If she says no, then you can use that as argument later that if she can finish 3-4 years college course and travel in bus on her own everyday; what stops her applying, taking up a job, and travel by bus on her own now? Has she lost her ability to move out of home, go in bus/auto whatever, do productive things simply because she got married?
However, the article is still incomplete and there are a few sections those need to be written.
Can someone provide more samples to fight false allegations under 498A, DV, and 125, as the link I mentioned above?
Thank you all in advance. Your small contribution can help many struggling with false allegations.