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Sushil Kumar Bhatia (Advocate)     09 December 2008

Benefit of section 20(4) of U.P.Rent control Act.

In Rent Ejectment suit under U.P.Rent control act Sec 20 applied a landlord has filed suit against tenant but the tenant has not deposited entire requisite ammount at the time of filing its w.s.whether the tenant can deposite further rest ammount at the stage of evidence and the tenant can get benefit of sec.20(40 of the said act and its ejectment can be prevented this is question of U.P.Advocates please reply.which is the stage in this suit called final hearing of the suit.?

 1 Replies

Sanjay Agarwal (Lawyer)     15 December 2008

sir,  to get descritionery relief u/s 20 ( 4) it is necessory to deposit  entire amount  of rent and damages for use and occupation plus 9 % p.a. interest plus landlords costs of suit  on the first date of hearing. first date of hearing means the first date for any step or proceeding mentioned in the summons served on the defendent. to avoid any complication it is advisable to deposit little etc. money on the first date with your vaklatnama.

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