I disagree to your argument as she is not required to provide those two all she is required as per Law is provide list of items which is what is Law and if one goes by your argument line then DP Act will need Amendment especially Section ? (you tell us that !) and contains other than other sub-paras these crucial two sub-paras which are enough for her - only a brief descriptttion of each present + the approximate value of the present and with these two wife’s job is over for the purpose of context of this thread.
Here husband has a doubt and not question based on technicalities of Law.
BTW even be it so, it is well known fact that wife always produces Performa Bill from some mom-n-pop jeweler where quantity / quality is also mentioned other than invoiced cost estimations - does she not @ Manish?
Flip above para - donot smart husband take this Performa bill to challenge later on.
Fuzz all these now if there is a doubt in mind of a husband who probably slightly knows these then how do you give him peace of mind and end all loose ends when cherry picking your remedy at the time of "giving" she didnot, right I say I agree just there as no laws asks her to do so specifically, so atleast at the time of "taking back" he should have is all I was trying to put under your radar if allowed!