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kavin kumar   28 October 2021

Bgv fail termination

I worked for tecm for 2 months .I was terminated stating bgv failed . previously I worked in a startup.during covid my company has shutdown .but they provided me the experience letter which during bg verification there were no reply from my previous employer.i hv two questions.

1.i worked in TechM for 25 days after which I was terminated.will I receive salary for that.
2 can I take any action against my previous employer for failing to clear my bgv

 1 Replies

Megha   05 February 2022


1.  Your current cannot be absolved from their obligation to pay you for the number of days you'vded worked in the organisation, unkess the terms of the comtract suggest otherwise.  

2. Your previous employer is not bound by law to answer background verification calls by your current employer if proper records of your employment with them have been provided.

Best regards,

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