My elder brother who was an NRI married in India a Indian girl and Bhabhi was living with our family and there was no problem with Bhabhi and anyone in our family but my brother and Bhabhi don't get well so she left for her home.
My brother gave up his Indian citizenship and now he is a foreign citizen with OCI card and he damn cares for Bhabhi.Now the problem is that my Bhabhi and her family threatened to file false dowry case against me and my parents otherwise we have to pay they 1cr.My parents spoke to lawyers and they all said to negotiate with them and we have to pay the sum and there is no other option and we all will get arrested.
I don't undesratand when its a problem between my brother and his wife then why the Indian law blackmailing us when thay cannot do anything against my brother ?
For us 1cr is something we even cannot dream about in this case will we get arrested? Please advice