Pls guide me on this...
We let a property on rent to a couple 5 months back. Somehow, it didn't go well b/w them and they got seperated. now the wife has filed case against his husband. In the meantime, securing safety of our property, we asked both of them to vacate the premises. the husband has already left the flat & living sepeeratly. But the wife, through women commission, asked from us 2 months time for vacating the flat which we gave . She had also given a letter signed by her and her brother that she will vacate the premises within two months.
They didn't even pay any society maintenance charges nor were they paying any rent from last month.
one month before the said date, we sent 1 month formal notice, as required by the agreement, for vacating the premises. But she called back hurling tanturums on us saying she will file case that we are harassing her. She is not ready to comply by her notice to leave teh premisis within said period. Not paying rent, no municipal charges, as required by teh agreement. & not intending to vacate the house and on the contrary asking that what r our sources for purchasing the property and all kinds of useless things and blackmailing us.......
Pls tell, in the light of above circumstances, what is the remedy left to us.....