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Jagadisha (Software Engineer)     09 July 2013

Blackmailing on the land registration

Dear Sir/Madam, I and one of friend have purchased about 2.5 acres of land in Hubli about 5 years back in his name. After that my friend has fight the partners in his IT business and had to close his the company. Since I work in Software Company and he has no knowledge about software Development and does only marketing, I helped him to build another company. The company started doing well he takes about 50K to 100K per month but most of the times says that the compnay is under loss so that he can avoid any monetary benefits to me. I was never looking for money from him and wanted to grow the company so that at sometime of time I can join with him. In the meantime I helped to get good Software Engineers for his company, one them is working from 4 years. In Dec 2012 one of the employee revealed that my friend is making lot of money without showing to compnay like taking cash from clients etc and never maintained any accounts. So my friend started fighting with employees so that whoever knows about him are pressurised to leave the company. At the sametime since I have registered my land in 1 acre out of 2.5 acre, my friend is blackmailing me to work for him in the week ends and resolve the issues he has with another partner (one of the employee had converted to partner). My friend fights almost daily with other partner so that he can resign as he is asking accounts, his salary on time etc. I am feeling pressurised as my hard earned money is being invested in his name on the land. The land is legally registered on his name.

Can somebody please help me about how to handle this or do I just forget about that land?

Can police help me in this regard?


Note: Also this person is very criminal minded, takes advice from his wife and in-laws to plan for cheating others, blackmailing etc.

 2 Replies

Hemang (Advocate)     09 July 2013

File a police complaint, if black mailed.

imran ali (legal lawyer)     09 July 2013

this is civil matter you file the case in court and file FIR in police station

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