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pradeepiyengar (n/a)     17 January 2008

Bombay Shops and Establishments Act, 1948 - Bare Act needed


I urgently need Bombay Shops & Establishments Act, 1948. Please upload it on this section.


 24 Replies

pradeepiyengar (n/a)     01 February 2008

Hey thanks for the post. But what I need is the bare act. I am still searching.

Prakash Yedhula (Lawyer)     01 February 2008

I too tried searching for a soft copy. But was'nt available.

However you can download a very useful guide on the Bombay Shops Act from the link below



Shambasiv (n/a)     17 January 2008

Bombay Shops & Establishment Act, 1948
1. Introduction
2. Forms and Formalities
3. Compliances
4. Maintenance of Registers
5. FAQs
6. Documents required for Registration

w By repealing the old ""Bombay Shops & Establishments Act, 1939"", a new enactment known as ""The Bombay Shops & Establishments Act, 1948"" was brought into force from 11th January 1949 on the basis of Mr. Shantilal ShahΓÇÖs CommitteeΓÇÖs Report.

This act is a social piece of legislation of the State Government enacted to prevent sweat labourers of Un-organized sector and to regulate the condition of work and employment and therefore to secure maximum benefits to the employees working in different categories of establishment viz. Shops, Commercial Establishments, residential hotels, restaurants, eating houses, theatres and other places of public amusement or entertainments are mainly protected by the provisions of this act. For the jurisdiction of Greater Mumbai by virtue of the statutory provisions of Section 43 of the said Act subject to the overall supervisions of the State Government through the Commissioner of Labour, Mumbai.The shops & Establishments Department is headed by the Chief Inspector, Shops & Estts. the Chief Inspector, Shops & Establishments is assisted by Four Deputy Chief Inspectors.

To enforce the provisions of the following acts and rules framed as under.
ΓÇó The Bombay Shops & Establishments Act, 1948.
ΓÇó The Minimum Wages Act, 1948.
ΓÇó The Payment of Wages Act. 1936.
ΓÇó The WorkmenΓÇÖs Compensation Act, 1923.
ΓÇó The Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946.
ΓÇó The Maternity Benefit Act, 1961.
ΓÇó The Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986.

Forms and Formalities
ΓÇó Form 'A': This form is prescribed for registration of the Estts. under Bombay Shops & Estts. Act, 1948. Registration is made under Sec 7(1)(4) of the said act.
ΓÇó Form 'B': This is prescribed for the periodical renewal of registration certificate say for one year or three at a time. Renewal is made under sec 7(2A) of the Bombay Shops and Estts. Act
ΓÇó Form 'E': This form is prescribed for making any subsequent change in the information already submitted in form 'A'.
ΓÇó The Registration Certificate is generally valid upto the end of the calendar year for which it is granted under Sec. 7(2A) it is required to get every Registration Certificate renewed for next calendar year fifteen days before the date of expiry of Registration Certificate in hand by submitting prescribed form 'B' alongwith prescribed renewal fees to the concerned Shop Inspector.
ΓÇó As per Sec. 7(2B), the renewal of Registration Certificate can be made for 3 calendar years at a time at the option of the employer by paying requisite for that period. In such cases the Registration Certificate shall be valid upto the end of 3rd calendar year including and from the year to which it is granted or renewed as the case may be.
ΓÇó If the renewal application is not made within the period prescribed but it is made within thirty days after the date of expiry of Registration Certificate or the renewed Registration Certificate as the case may be, then in such cases an additional fee as late fee equal to half of the fee payable for normal renewal of Registration Certificate is charged .

ΓÇó During the course of enforcement the inspectors have to visit various establishments and to detect breaches of the provisions of the Act and rules framed there under and to launch prosecutions on defaulters accordingly.
ΓÇó The major breaches of the provisions of the Act consist of non-registration, non-renewal, opening of establishment before prescribed hours, closing of establishments later than prescribed hours, exceeding total hours, continuous work without rest interval, spread over, not granting privilege leave, keeping establishment open on weekly closed day, calling employees for work on their weekly offs, employing female employees after prescribed hours, employing child labour, not providing Identity Cards to certain class of employees, not paying wages as per rates prescribed under Minimum Wages Act. etc.
ΓÇó The major of breaches of the provisions of rule are of the nature of procedural lapses. Viz. Not maintaining prescribed register of employment, leave register, visit book, lime washing register, not providing leave book to the employees or not making suitable entries therein, not producing requisite record register, notices for inspection on demand, not displaying name board in Marathi in Devnagari Script etc.

Maintenance of Registers
ΓÇó Generally the following Registers/ records/ notices etc. are to be kept by the different categories Register of Employment :
ΓÇó Employers of Shop or Commercial Establishment ---- In prescribed form ΓÇÿHΓÇÖ or ΓÇÿJΓÇÖ as the case may be. Register of leave in form ΓÇÿMΓÇÖ Leave Book in form ΓÇÿNΓÇÖ Notice in form ΓÇÿLΓÇÖ specifying the days of holidays.
ΓÇó To maintain a Muster-Roll ΓÇô Cum-Wage Register as laid down under Rule 27(1) of Maharashtra Minimum Wages Rules 1963.
ΓÇó Notify to the Sr. Inspector (Shops & Establishments) at the beginning of the every calender year regarding list of closed day of the respective year.
ΓÇó The employer has to provide Identity Cards to the certain class of employees.
ΓÇó The Employer has to apply for seeking permission to maintain computerized records
ΓÇó The employer also has to obtain permission for ladies working beyond 8.30 p.m. under Sec 33 of the Act. (However as per the notification dated June 2002, Government has waived such conditions with respect to certain class of industries including CALL CENTRES.

F A Q s ( Frequently Asked Questions )

Q. Is it necessary to display the Registration Certificate at the Establishment ?
Ans: Yes. The Registration Certificate must be prominently displayed in a conspicuous place at the establishment.

Q. Is it necessary to intimate to the Sr. Inspector (Shops & Estts) regarding closing of the establishment for business ?
Ans: Yes. As per provisions of Sec. 9, it is incumbent on the employer to intimate to the Shop Inspector of his area in writing within 10 days on closing of the establishment.

Q. Is the fee under Bombay Shops & Establishments Act is prescribed by the Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai ?
Ans: No. the powers to the prescribe or to revise or to make any changes in the Bombay Shops & Establishments Act fee are fully vested in the State Government.

Q. Where to approach for redress of any complaint by the employees or their Union ?
Ans: They have to approach the Sr. Inspectors (Shops & Establishment) of the respective Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai Ward in case any complaint about exploitation of employees etc.

Q. Whether the Registration Certificates or prescribed forms are issued at the Head Quarter of the department?
Ans: No. Registration Certificates or prescribed formats issued from the Head Quarter of the departments. These are issued from the offices of Sr. Inspector (Shops & Establishments) of respective Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai Ward only.

Required Documents for registration
ΓÇó Memorandum of Articles of Association/Trust deed.
ΓÇó Premises purchase Agreement.
ΓÇó List of Directors/Managers.
ΓÇó 1st Bank Account opening proof/Bank Account No. details.
ΓÇó First Income Tax Assessment order/PAN
ΓÇó BMC declaration
ΓÇó Date of commencement of business

anupam_advocate (n/a)     13 February 2008

Hey thanks for the post

SANJAY DIXIT (Advocate)     14 February 2008

Dear Shambasiv, Thanx for the information.

Guest (n/a)     03 July 2008


What is the fine for not keeping the register j, m,n and visit book of Sr. Inspector also what is the fine for not displaying the company's name in Devnagiri script

Guest (n/a)     12 August 2008

company is incorporated in 2007 but no business or transaction is carried out yet. also they does not have any employees . whether they have to register under Shop & establishment Act??

Guest (n/a)     12 August 2008

Bare Act Bombay shops and establishment act

V (D)     07 January 2009

 Is the act applicable to Dispensaries and clinics ? Please reply urgently as i feel i am being duped by some middlemen

Anil Agrawal (Retired)     09 January 2009

 Business or transaction is irrelevant. Get a licence under S&E Act or pay bribe to escape penalty/prosecution.

Neeraj Bharadwaj (HR/ Legal Head)     12 January 2009

Dear Samhashiv,

Kindly clarify the following:-

  1. Could you kindly clarify if the term"Period Of Work" is inclusive of the cumpulsory break after five hours (for lunch/ tea etc) or is it excluded?


  2. While calculating total working hours per week do we include the Lunch/ break time or exclude?


  3. In case of five days week do we ask an employee to work for 48 hours in addition to the Break timings?


  4. The Shops Act is silent on the issue, if you have a case law kindly forward the same URGENTLY!!


  5. Regards

  6. Neeraj Bharadwaj


Prakash Yedhula (Lawyer)     22 February 2009

Find attached a very useful guide on the Bombay Shops Act

Attached File : 36 the bombay shops & establishments act.doc downloaded: 2100 times
1 Like

dr balkrishna chaitanya (dental surgeon)     15 September 2009

the firm is a registered firm under bombay shop act in 2005 & paid fees rs 3oo/- annualy upto 2007.since beginning firm has not made any business nor the registration renewed.

now firm wants to begin the business,what rate of penlty is to pay?what will be the total penalty for 2 years?

if we directly ask in written to the office mentioning actual facts,what will happen?

we dont have kept any records like different registers nor we have any employees.

the local s. inspector demands some amount to settle the matter


Kunal Khilnani (Service)     14 December 2009

Thank you for the useful guide Prakash Ji, appreciated.

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