preety 19 June 2016
kishore (student) 19 June 2016
as a citizen u can file case on any one who r giving trouble to u.. but in ur situation.. fron ur point of view u r correct and theri point of view they r correct.. if u file a case.. again they will file a case , this will goes on forever.. u must have mental strength now.. ur message not clear.. just message me once
preety 20 June 2016
Dear Kishore ,
But I have not troubled the family and always wanted to sort out things . now I have left everything and not harming them in any way . If the boy has a probem with the family and they are blaming me for that how can they be correct . they have tortured the boy also somuch . everytime he goes home to sort out things they use bad slang . they also use slang to me and i kept quite thinking that let them say as they are very upset . I spoke to the mother and wife that if they do such things their son will start hating them and they will lose everything . But I think they are working as per their ego now .
I am very tired of this mother and wife .Please ask me any question which will help u to understand the situation better.