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Shishuraj (Assistant (Production))     26 June 2014

Breach of trust by the icici bank employee

Hello there...This is Shishuraj Yadav, a Law Student as well as a Government employee. 

Subject: What should i do when an ICICI Bank employee assured me that I will get NOC from bank with in 8 days after paying certain amount to bank, but i have not got NOC till date. This is third month.

Issue: I took personal loan from ICICI Bank and Credit card. I was paying the installments but latter on due to my poor financial condition i became a defaulter.

In the month of February 2014, a third party of bank (called recovery agent) traced me out. i got agree to settel all my dues with bank. I repeatedly ask the bank employee (Desegnation-DM) please clear all the dues of bank on me.

That employee assured me that after paying the said amount you will get NOC from any branch within 8 days . I again ask about her assurance...she told me that i have check every products whether it is motor vehicle loan or personal loan etc.,  apart from this current PL there is nothing to pay, you need not to worry about that by saying "I am sitting here to give you NOC".

Now in the month of June 2014, again i am getting call from recovery agent that i have to pay certain amount to ICICI bank regarding personal loan number XYZ. I described them the aforesaid facts and i approached to the Bank employee who setteled my dues.

Firstly, she accepts her assurance about all that what she told me but latter on when her senior (Designation- RDM) came on conference call she denied the thing and start saying that it was not my fault, i have limited power to say about anybody, it is a technical problem. 

Recovery agents visited two times in my office without an appointment. I took picture of their I-Card and his pictures and said that don't come without appointment and said all the aforesaid things but this recovery agent keeps calling me all the day, sometimes after 5pm.

NOTE: when this mess stared again, I recorded every conversion regarding this including the bank employee who assured me about NOC by saying mei deny nahi kar rahi hu sir...lekin paisa aapko dena hoga....

Question: What should i do? What is the legal remedy of tis situation?




 6 Replies

Prakash S Thakkar (B.S.L LL.B)     27 June 2014

Gv a legal notice to the HR of ICICI bank, and later on file a suit for damages on the employee of the bank also. Till the recovery of the amount of damage is recovered. U can also call me on 9765470629. So tht i can guide u properly bro

Kumar Doab (FIN)     27 June 2014

One strategy has been shared by Mr. Thakkar. Understand it thoroughly and follow the advice.

You may go thru another thread at;


and many other threads mentioned in it, pick up the points, RBI guidelines, judgments and proceed further.


It shall be better if you proceed under the expert advice of your lawyer.

T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Advocate)     28 June 2014

In my opinion you have been cheated by the bank employee by giving you false assurance for  NOC.   The amount what you are due to the bank has to be repaid, for repayment you should have adopted the standard method of requesting the bankers to consider your situation and grant you time for repayment , this would have saved you of your present embarrassing situation instead you opted for a shortcut which proved to be a disastrous one.  the recovery agents cannot threaten you but they can demand the money due to the bank. Even now you may exhaust the remedies available before you by approaching the higher officials of the bank and solve the issue, in case of failure, you may resort to legal ways.

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icicibankcare (Bank)     30 June 2014

Dear Sir,


We regret the inconvenience caused. Please send us your contact details at and our official will get back to you soon to assist you. Kindly refer '47628733' in the subject line.



ICICI Bank Customer Service Team

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Kumar Doab (FIN)     30 June 2014

You may once again go thru

 and see what kind of response M/s ICICI bank and its customer care gives…………..


You may also go thru various other threads e.g.:

It shall be appropriate if your lawyer communicates and you handle the matter under expert advise of the lawyer and having understood the matter from your lawyer.


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Shishuraj (Assistant (Production))     30 September 2020

Delivery has failed to these recipients or groups:

As per your request on online open platform i m sending my details. We were in conversations since 2014, therefore, it doesn't means that i am not reachable to you.  

We have been in conversations about disputes since 2014, through email, it means that I am reachable by you. Meanwhile, ICICI Bank stopped talking to me regarding my issue since 2014. 


Now, after 6 years later you have initiated this matter again through recovery agents(Pradeep as he mentioned on telephonic conversations). These guys keep calling here and there to my knowns and workplace to gather information about me and misbehaving orally like I am a fugitive of serious crime. 

Therefore, my question is why your so called representatives are doing so and malicing my reputation when paid you the amount as per debt manager, Neha Goyal's Promise that after paying the amount, NOC will be given from ICICI Bank and nothing have pay after that to ICICI Bank in any head.   

I request that Kindly stop calling and talk to through email.

Technically and legally you have to release NOC first. In case if you are not satisfied with my earlier answer then I would like to fight my case in the court. 

You can send court notice through email, I will be present in the court. If the court says to pay me I will, if not, I won't.

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