I booked a flat in one of the project in Pune in November 2011 at cost of ~29 lacs. Now, at the time of agreement builder has increased cost of flat by almost 10% and has following charges which were not there in the cost sheet given at the time of booking of flat.
1) Club house charges Rs 1 Lac. Earlier at the time of booking, club house was mentioned as free for flat owners.
2) Parking charges : 2Lacs . Earlier it was 1.5 Lacs for ground floor and 1 lac for podium. This was included in the agreement value also at the time of booking. Now builder is asking 2 Lacs separtely and not including it in agreement value.
3) Provisiobal maintenance charges Rs 20K. This amount was not in the cost sheet at the time booking
4) 18 months maintenance charges were earlier taken up @ Rs2/sq ft which is now increased to Rs 3 /sq ft.
Other things which have come to light are that the 2 level podium parking which buider had proposed and was asking 1 Lac has not been sanctioned by govt authorities. This has reduced total number of available parkings.
What can be done in such situtaion? There are almost 150 flat owners who are trying to get these cost revered and have written several times to buider but builder has refused to withdraw the increased cost. Can builder increase cost like this arbitraly anytime? Can he sell flats even if the completed plan is not sanctioned? What can be done to get the increased cost reversed and get the agreement value including parking space?
Need help urgently. Please guide.