Dear friends,
I need to an advice regarding the following case.
Recently one of my friend's grand dad passed away (hereafter referred as Mr A). Mr A had been doing business on a rental property for the past 40 years. There was a dispute between the landlord and Mr A regarding increase in rental income which had been filed in the court which lasted few years. Later a compromise was struck between the parties under which a lump sum amount was paid by the Mr A and second request was to change the rental agreement to Mr A's son's name( here after reffered as Mr B) for running the business which was accepted by Mr A as he was not able to fully focus on the business due to health issues . Mr B had been helping his father Mr A run the business for past 20 year but all the income from the business was managed by Mr A and Mr B was given a part of the income as salary. After the death of Mr A, Mr B Claims that entire Busniess belongs to him as the rental agreement is in his name and other siblings & wife of Mr A (Step mom of Mr B) have no claim on the income from the busniess. Could anyone give advice on following matters.
Q1: Can other siblings claim share of business as it was run by their father?
Q2: More Importantly can Mrs A (Wife of Mr A) get a share or fixed income from business as she was entirely depended on her husband?
if anyone can give an legal advice in this regards particulary in case of Mrs A as she has no other source of regular income, it would be really helpful for the family. If any case laws similar to this case is available would be helpful if anyone can quote it.. Thanks for sparing your time reading this query.