My friend is planing to buy a flat.
The Seller said that, he needs money 20% of the agreement value within one week. My friend is ready for that since he can afford 20% right now. Rest of the 80% will be by loan.
Now the question is:
1)20% money has to e given with MoU which is required to register? Can this 20% be givem only on Mou without registration?
2) If he registered the MOU within week, he will not get time for public notice ( which is given for if any claim is there or not). Will this be a problem in future? Can somebody take objection on the deal?
3)If somebody take objection on deal after he gives 20% whihc is on Mou ( before giving 80% ), Is there any way to add the caluse in Mou, like, if anyone claim the ownership on the flat, then the 20% money giben to the seller will be written back to buyer?
4)Is this poassible to have only MOU at the time of giving 20% (Without Registration) and then give Public Notice for 15 days, and nobody claims and then go for Registration?
Please help us this issue