My friend bought a property through Auction from a nationalised bank. The borrower (a Company) represented by Party A, B and Guarantor C. They pledged two properties
1) Three plots which was on the name of Party A (Friend took this property from the auction).
2) Property on which C was Power Agent (got power from 3 of his own daughters).
There was case filed for the 2nd property with the claim of forged power document. Which is dismissed by DRT , DRAT & multiple writ petitions with HC.
If appeal goes successfully (the contention is for the power given to C by his daughters ), will it affect the property 1 which was in name for Party A who pledged it.
So far he did not appeal anything in DRT (in last 14 years). If power given is a forged document by Party C (already dead) will it affect the auction done for Property 1.
Can i buy the property 1 from him in this current situation.