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aditya thakur (ccc)     06 December 2009

Buying rule of agriculture land in Gujarat

 hello sir ,

      sir ,my name is Aditya thakur .i m in government job.i want to buy some agriculture land in my homestate gujrart.the problem is my parents & grandparents homestate is bihar,but all of they settled here since 1952. ,but they acquire agriculture land in bihar currently ,so can i buy agricultre land in gujarat or not? i have domiciled of gujarat also.

 49 Replies

Suresh CSLLM (Service)     31 December 2009

Hellow Aditya

will let you 9987091267

Suresh Savaliya



Praveen Singh (Lawyer)     31 December 2009

Dear Aditya,

you can not buy land in Gujarat as Bombay Tenancy and Agricultural Lands Act,1948 prohibits any person who is not an 'agriculturist' within the meaning of the Act to purchase the Agricultural land in Gujarat. Though certain judgements of the Bombay High Court allow agriculturists of other states to buy land in Maharashtra however the same is not allowed in Gujarat. You will have to apply to District Collector for permission under section 65 and 43 of the above stated act before purchase of agricultural land in Gujarat. However, the permission is practically rarely granted by the Collectors. In absence of any such permission proceedings u/s 84/C of the Act shall be initiated against you and ultimately the land would vest in the orignal land owner and if he refuses than the land would vest in the Government. Therefore only buy non-agricultural land in Gujarat.

1 Like


hello sir,

i m mrugesh from ahmedabad and i want  to know that if there is a one farmer who is illigaly become a farmer and buying a land. after that there is another farmer who does not know about that and buying the land of that farmer. now is there any problem to that second farmer and i also want  to buy a book of land law in gujarat so kindly tell me the name of the book and the place from where i can buy ?

Praveen Singh (Lawyer)     31 August 2010

If the seller is a farmer who has illegally become a farmer and if his land is purchased by any other person who is a genuine farmer then the sale would be valid. However if there are any proceedings against the seller pertaining to his status as a farmer then the sale would be subject to the outcome of such proceedings and there would be risk for such purchaser. The Bombay Tenancy and Agricultural Lands Act, 1948 (as applicable to Gujarat) by Gupte (Published by Hind Law Publications, 28-B, Budhvar Peth Pune-2 ) is a decent book.

1 Like


hello sir,

i want to know more about that problem that what kind of risk is there for the purchaser


and sir from where i can buy this book The Bombay Tenancy and Agricultural Lands Act, 1948 (as applicable to Gujarat) by Gupte (Published by Hind Law Publications, 28-B, Budhvar Peth Pune-2 ) 



hello sir,

i m mrugesh from ahmedabad and i want  to know that if there is a one farmer who is illigaly become a farmer and buying a land. after that there is another farmer who does not know about that and buying the land of that farmer. now is there any problem to that second farmer and i want to also ask that if at present the purchaser haviing a name in 7 12 and 8 a entry in there particular land after that is there any problem to purchaser ?

Chirag Bhatt (Lawyer Gujarat High Court)     02 September 2010

You can buy the above mentioned book from Mr. Butani, a senior law book seller. His contact no. is 9825689761. He is a publisher as well and lives at Subhash Bridge, Ahmedabad

1 Like

kamlesh (senior Engineeer)     24 November 2010

Dear Sir,       

                    I am Gujarati Jain, born and have to taken Education in Gujarat. I stay in the state of Maharashtra in Mumbai. I am interested in purchasing Agriculture land in Gujarat.


                     I am farmer of M. P. and Maharashtra and would like to purchase Agriculture land in Gujarat  for Agriculture only.


As per rule of central Government of India any farmer can purchase Agriculture land in any state in India (Except Kashmir) so let me know now why cannot we purchase Agriculture land in Gujarat. Kindly, let me know in which column of the law it is written that out side (state) farmer holder cannot purchase agriculture land in Gujarat and when this law has been implemented.

                   Kindly let me know what is the procedure for purchase agriculture land in Gujarat

Your co – operation and quick response in this matter is solicited,

 Kamlesh sanghvi

Kevin Gajjar (C.E.O)     26 November 2010

Hi you all people there, I have one question, if you can help me out about that then it will be great as well.

My friend is having one land,  but it has been inherited from this father and he recently got know that they are final owner of that land, but some other people already occupied that and using that land for agriculture in north Gujarat since long time, legally my friend is having documents ready like all required papers, then in this case what will be chances of my friend to get that land back from people who occupied that since long time,

I heard that in real estate possession is the big thing, so what he has to do in that.

Can anyone advice a bit about that, it will be really useful.

Dushyant Pandya (Lawyer)     13 January 2011

As per constitution by place of birth, no one is discriminated. Also, as per constitution agriculturist from any state can buy agricultural land in any other state for agricultural purpose except J&K. Now, I understand that, bureaucrats from Gujarat State are wrongly interpreting the Land Act and rules applicable within Gujarat State. As per various orders passed by them, I understand that, they are interpreting that, Agriculturist from other state or having agricultural land from fore-father in other state are not agriculturist within Gujarat State. The said action is ultra virus to our Great Constitution.

Still, if we are wrong to interpret or to understand then we are ready to correct our selves.

kamlesh (senior Engineeer)     02 February 2011

To Legal Manger D. J. Pandya Dear Sir, I am happy and thank you for the information given by you. I would like to know more in detail about this information. I want to be Agriculturist in Gujarat. So please guide me how to proceed. Let me on my E - Mail Address your contact Number and Address. My E-Mail Address is Thanks

Dushyant Pandya (Lawyer)     03 February 2011

Dear Kamleshji,


To become agriculturist in gujarat, enclosing herewith directions provided by Hon'ble High Court of Gujarat; which is enclosed herewith. Please gone through the same.


If you have any query then kindly contact your lawyer for betterment and clarity.


Hope it will help you.

Attached File : 34 34 sca 9205 of 2008.pdf downloaded: 2065 times

Narendra Patel (Dy Manager Logistics)     05 February 2011

Dear Sir,

I am Narendra Patel from Ahmedabad, We were having ancestor agriculture land which is recently sold by my father as still payment is not completed and legal dastaveg is pending.

I have also received payment directly on my name,now i want to invest the same in agriculture land in gujarat.

But as my father is alive my name is not there in 7/12 utara Document of sold land.Thus how can i prove that i am a farmer so that i can purchase land.

My father has refused to make entry of my name in 7/12 Utara Document as is if so happens he will require my sign in finalsold documents.

Kindly suggest me the way how can i purchase agriculture land in gujarat.


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