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Rama Raju B (Founding Member)     18 July 2011

Bye-Laws for a Welfare Society

I am one of the Founding Members of "SARVAM Welfare and Education Society" in Secunderabad. We want to formulate the "Bye-Laws" for the Society for its proper and meaningful functioning.

I would be grateful if someone could guide me in this venture.

Thanks and regards,

BR Raju

 5 Replies

VIRAJ KADAM (Advocate Supreme Court of India)     18 July 2011

Dear Friend,


What is the nature of the society and its objectives, only after knowing that anyone can help you?  




Advocate, Supreme Court

Rama Raju B (Founding Member)     18 July 2011

Dear Sir,

Thank you very much for your immediate response and readiness to help. I will briefly give the background.

 1. Nature of the Society: All the founding members of this society have been educated in govt. schools / other Institutions and have been benefitted by the society. Our roots are in the villages. Presently we are in a position to give back to the society, to the extent we can spare. Individually all of us are carrying out social welfare activities-mostly in the field of education. We have realized that we are like-minded and a coordinated effort would yield better results. Some of our friends have expressed their eagerness to contribute financially to the social upliftment but they are not in a position to spare their time. The formation of our SOCIETY is a result of this background.

 2. Primary objectives: Our primary objectives are TWO:

            (a) Education (help provide education to the under-privileged), and

            (b) Food (feed the hungry mouths)

 3. Secondary objectives: Once we are reasonably successful in our Primary objectives, we plan to take up the following as our Secondary objectives:

            (a) Care of the old people and destitute, and

            (b) Protection of the environment and promote greenery.

 4. Our resources: All the founding members are contributing their mite as initial capital and, subsequently, annually. Membership is open to like-minded people who are willing to contribute and participate.

 5. Our strength: We believe in HUMANITY and SINCERITY and we find that both are in good measure around us.


So, Sir, with this backdrop we would like to formulate our Bye-Laws. Please give us your blessings and guide us in formulating the Bye-Laws.

 Sincerely yours,

BR Raju

CK (---)     19 July 2011

Dear Sir, I am very glad to say you this yet i am of 18. But, as i become a solicitor. I will surely contribute my wealth towards your foundation. And me too. Also want to open my own school as well as colleges all over the country. And i hope this many members will join this "Bye-Laws for Welfare Society." Thanking You, Yours truly, CK.

Rama Raju B (Founding Member)     19 July 2011

Dear Mr. CK,

Thank you for your encouraging mail. I can see, and any sensible and concientious person can also observe, that the MORAL VALUES are on the decline in our country. The Politicians and Bureaucrats are looting the common man. Sadly, one can also see that the Defence Forces are also not free from this ailment. Where is it going to lead? Anybody's guess. One answer can be EDUCATE THE MASSES. The Govt programmes in this direction are an eye-wash. My Group, therefore, has identified this aspect and we want to do our best towards this goal. It may be a drop in the ocean. It is a LONG TERM solution. Does not matter.

You are young. My advice to you is: Be a professional. Take your career seriously. Do what you like and like what you do. Be a HUMAN BEING. The rest will fall in place.

All the best. Take care.

BR Raju


rajasekhar nidamarthi   22 November 2020

Dear Sri Bv Rajyu garu Namaste..

I felt very happy at your decision to make everyone literate and educate .I have a special program on this subject.For any work we need huge funds.One may have crores at his disposal,It doesnt mean that he should go on giving away for programs .Its not advisable.One should think of a revenue creating program and after some time  the charity works can be started by using the extra ,permanent revenue earning programs income

I have full fledged project on this topic.

Iam Dr N.Rajasekhar ..Sr Journalist,Aged 70 yrs And got an experience of 45 years of journalism .My contact number is 9866770595.


Hope I would gette positive reply.

thanks & regards

Dr Rajasekhar 

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