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Subin   28 November 2023

Bye-laws for kaoa 1972

We have been talking to a consultant in terms of forming and registering our first apartment association and we have been told that we are not supposed to share the bye-laws as a digital copy to any residents via phone or any other digital form. Is this true. If yes, why is that so?

Can we not share the bye-laws to all apartment owners a digital copy for them to read the same.



 6 Replies

Real Soul.... (LEGAL)     28 November 2023

You should share the Bye laws with the apartment holders and that is thier right. 

P. Venu (Advocate)     28 November 2023

"we have been told"! Who told you?


kavksatyanarayana (subregistrar/supdt.(retired))     28 November 2023

It shall be given to all the owners of the apartment.

T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Advocate)     29 November 2023

The bylaws of the society can be shared with the other members/owners in whatever convenient mode that would be availablke.

There is no restriction to share the bylaws by digital mode. 

Ignore the said consultant's dictates and better engage a prudent consultant replacing this half knowledged consultant for all such future acts. 

Dr. J C Vashista (Advocate )     29 November 2023

Well analysed and advised by expert, I endorse.

Prima facie you have been prey of some "wrong" consultant, Bye-laws of the association has to be deliberated thread by thread, accepted and adopted (unonimously) by members for volutary implimentation, otherwise, it (Bye-Laws) has no sanctity or value.

Dr. MPS RAMANI Ph.D.[Tech.] (Scientist/Engineer)     04 December 2023

A law or a byelaw is for the concerned persons to abide by. If the concerned persons do not know how can they abide by it. It a person writes commentaries on a law or  byelaws, which is a public document as in the case of Model Byelaws of Maharashtra, or gives past judgments related to sections of an Act, he has copy-right on such material and no one can reproduce them without his permission.

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