Mr X owns a house. He has two sons. The house is in Mr. X's name only, that is, in the registry of the house which is the only ownership document only Mr. X's name is mentioned. The name of none of his sons is mentioned in the registry. Mr. X dies without leaving any WILL about who will be the legal owner of his house after his death. Now the two sons claim that both have equal right over the house. The younger son wants that the house be sold and the money be distributed equally among the two. The older son wants that the house be bifurcated, i.e., a wall be erected somewhere and the house be divided into two halves. The younger son contends that bifurcating the house is not in his interest due to whatever reason. They go to the court. How will the court settle the dispute. Will the house be bifurcated, divided into two halves, against the consent of the younger son or will it be sold. Please advise