Case Study - Seek your expert Opinions:
Two members are staying in the same building. Let’s call them A & B
A neighbour decided to go out of India for a Year. Two neighbours (A&B) and friends decide get into agreement…
While going out of India A decided to give her the Garage on a rent for a year to her neighbour B.
Their arrangement was - A neighbour says -look after my garage, keep it clean in her absence in return neighbour B could park their second car which all this while was parked outside .
Accordingly, Neighbour A wrote a letter informing the secretary of the Society that she had left her garage in custody of neighbour B.
Neighbour continues to pay the maintenance charges & municipal property for the garage to the society directly.
Society says that Neighbour A cannot give her garage in the first place and if so Neighbour B need to pay them garage hire charges of Rs 250/- per month
Neighbour B is already paying Neighbour A parking charges @ Rs. 2000/- per month
What’s your opinion on:
Can the society stop Neighbour B from parking car in neighbour A’s Garage with her permission paying her directly parking charges and she in turn paying the maintainance and property tax for flat & garage.
Does the society have the right to refuse or charge me parking charges when Neighbour B already paying Neighbour A monthly rental for the garage .
Does Neighbour A (the owner of garage) have no right to give her garage on hire.
When she has already given her flat too for Rent