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Can a widow file domestic violence against husband relatives

Page no : 2

rajiv_lodha (zz)     07 June 2013

Domestic relationship shud be alive when she lodges complaint. "At any point of time" does not mean that "at any point of time in PAST"

This is explained in judgments

Neetu Mittal

Harbans Lal Malik

S R Batra

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KNK A Learner (Learning to share)     29 June 2013

Thanks to all of you for participating in this debate.

Complete case is:

Husband expired, Husband's Mother, Sister, brother took control of all her husband properties and threatening wife to relinquish her right on property and doing emotional blackmailing, she was thrown out of house next day after her husband's death. Now she is living seperately with her children from 2005. Tried to settle matter amicabily through elders and even through legal services adalat. All trials failed. In this  genuine case, Can't she get any relief or help through law?



Adv k . mahesh (advocate)     29 June 2013

she has every right to take the possessio of her husband property in such cases she has to take support of her parents and there are some women orgnisationjs who support such women were the in laws torture should come to light and also some media channels are highlighting the gruge of the in laws why i am telling her to take support of the media and the women orgnisations because she is also may be her children are minors and her in laws are stronger then her so if she high light her plight through this type then in future evidence can be created and out of this she will get justice accordingly 

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shriks........... (healyhcare)     30 June 2013

1. she has to barge in the said property with kids.......if any fresh voilence, it should be reported and then petition should be drafted ......that would be begining to approach justice.........
2. laws demand witnesses and evidences to lead.........those must be strong.........
3. pwdv , relif would be granted in fresh at of voilence quickly rather than past......


dear sir suppose in acse where widfe has been forced to live away by bad behaviour of husbands relatives cohabiting with husband or for call of servcie and career can she claim right on retirment u/s 19 if house belongs to her deceased husband .Please clarify

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