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Vidya (na)     18 November 2014

Can a wife e-mail to a husband who has filed divorce case ?

My husband put a divorce case against me in 2012.

Case has been going on.....

Recently he initiated one-time settlement talks....

And the talks got stalled due to the non-agreement on the terms in MCD.

I tried talking to the husband's lawyer about the MCD terms and he told me that either i have to accept to the terms that they had written in the mcd draft or else he will proceed with the case.

Now, can the wife write an email straight away to the husband since it looks like the lawyer is complicating the issue too much.

Also, will this e-mail be taken as an evidence since all along I did not want the divorce but since the husband is so adamant in not accepting me I am considering MCD now.....instead of fighting the case.

I intend writing in the email that the settlement be paid as 50/50 at the ist and iind motion resp. and also asking him to pay the litigation expenses spent by me in addition to the 1-time settlement......

Since I don't have a lawyer currently due to financial constraints, I have to do this job myself.

But, will this email be taken as evidence or have any other implication if I decide to contest the case in a situation where the MCD does not happen due  to any reason ?

Thank you for any valuable suggestions.








 3 Replies

Rama chary Rachakonda (Secunderabad/Telangana state Highcourt practice watsapp no.9989324294 )     18 November 2014

Till you get divorce order from the court both of you are still husband and wife. You can contact him and talk to each other your feelings. No problem. Go ahead.

Daksh (Student)     14 January 2015

Dear Ms.Vidya,

Being the author of the mail you should be responsible enough to take the consequences of the same as it is evident from perusal of your mail that the acrimony is still on and the deadlock has resulted on the issue of settlement.  Being a technically delicate issue  I beg to differ with Mr.Ramachary64 for the reason that in case your mail does not culminate in the settlement and issue is dragged to divorce case on merits then this may give ammunition to the other party for obvious reasons.  

I hope this clarifies

Thanks and best regards




Its advisable that you severe all ties with husband during divorce proceedings, be it verbal or written.  

Each of them will have its own consequences.

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