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Can an advocate join as amway distributor

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Your reply clearly shows irritation on your part for which yourself need mental peace. Had you given dhyan, yourself, you would not have given such an insane reply and would not have used unparliamentary words, which you started right from the beginning. Mind it, I can sue you for damages, for such type of insult meted out to me.


Have you seen misleading advice of JSDN on the original thread of Mr. Sasidhara (both at page-1) and the reply of Mr. Nagaraja, which clearly proved him wrong? If you have seen that, would you like to support the reply of Mr. JSDN?


If you have seen and still posted your insane remarks in support of that reply, this event itself would prove that you have shown the symptoms of pagalpan (as you used for me), knowing very well that the advice of JSDN was quite different than that provided in the Rules of Standards of Professional Conduct and Etiquette framed under Part VI of the Rules made by the Bar Council of India under Rules under Section 49 (1) (c) of the Act read with the Proviso thereto of the Advocates Act, 1961.


Still further, if you have not seen the original question with the replies of JSDN and Mr. Nagaraja, and tried to poke your nose without knowing the fact, in that case also you have shown the symptoms of pagalpan, by declaring me pagla geya. Better mind your own business or prove me wrong legally, if you can.


JSDN had already exposed much of himself where Tigrania is trying to expose him more and also about himself. And you have also exposed yourself in indulging in unexpected confrontation by taking their side without knowing the background.


Still, you are invited to prove your expertise in proving that JSDN was right in his answer by quoting relevant provisions of law. I could also have used similar words for you, as you have used, but I am not like you.


Originally posted by :dhyandharna

Are you a CEO of humans or ........ since you are barking on every sane advice. Do some dhayn so your urge of putting false title will subside.


Why you are shy of giving legal definition of CEO, as you are harping on the same tune time and again. Either admit that you have no knowledge or give legal definition.


You may also like to see my reply to your another supporter (the dhyanless) dhyandharna. You would know how your friend JSDN (Previously Your Advocate, alias JSKN), irrespective of his claim to be a senior advocate, tried to mislead even an advocate of your own community.


Originally posted by :R G TIGRANIA ADVOCATE

Pl give some sane advice to this  BOGUS  CEO to quitely leave this site  since he  is continuing to blame and blame.and misusing the facilities.




From the style of your posts, stubbornness, non-reply to any of my questions, same curiousness about my group, but coming with different types of questions about that when fail to find any answer, not able to identify my group inspite of having clearly been mentioned on my profile, I doubt you and "SKJ Advocate" alias "SKJADVT-Sardarsena", are the same persons but with duplicate profiles.




1) Why did not you reply my questions put to you in my last post? I repeat the same below also.

2) Have you seen misleading advice of JSDN on the original thread of Mr. Sasidhara (both at page-1) and the reply of Mr. Nagaraja, which clearly proved him wrong? If you have seen that, would you like to support the reply of Mr. JSDN?

3) Just tell me under which section of which Act my group was required to be registerd?

4) Since you have raised the question of registration, just tell where you have registered your "Dhyandharna and under which registration No. & date


5) Is Your "dhyandharna" fake and illegal?

Dipangkar (Business)     26 August 2011

Originally posted by :dhyandharna
budha pagala gaya he , anna ke pas bhej do.

@ dhyandharna,

I have been going through this thread since begining, and i didn't speak a word, coz it's Not my argument.


Dipangkar (Business)     26 August 2011

@ dhyandharna,,

Do you mean to say, Anna & All those peoples involve in this Anti Corruption movement are "MADMEN" ???

Please Clearyfy.


Dhyanless Dhyandharna,


In fact you should have adopted the name of "Dhyanless", as you cannot even give shyan on very small and highlighted text, what dhyan you claim to teach others? You repeat the same query of registration, but you failed to give your registration particulars specifically asked from you.


Besides that question, you have also failed to reply my other queries. That is why YOU ARE QUITE DHYANLESS.


I repeat my earlier 5 questions belowand also raise another question as arises out of your present post about Pan shop:


1) Why did not you reply my questions put to you in my last post? I repeat the same below also.

2) Have you seen misleading advice of JSDN on the original thread of Mr. Sasidhara (both at page-1) and the reply of Mr. Nagaraja, which clearly proved him wrong? If you have seen that, would you like to support the reply of Mr. JSDN?

3) Just tell me under which section of which Act my group was required to be registerd?

4) Since you have raised the question of registration, just tell where you have registered your "Dhyandharna and under which registration No. & date


5) Is Your "dhyandharna" fake and illegal?


6) If accorsing to you Pan shop is also required to be registerd somewhere, why did not you give your own registration particulars and why do you presume without quoting the section of the relevant law and why you are not aware where Pan shop is registered?


7) When you are no able to give dhyan on very small and highlighted text, what dhyan you claim to teach others


Reply the above questions OR admit that you don't have any reply to my questions.

The word "SOMEWHERE" used by you about registration of Pan shop, itself speaks about your lack of knowledge, as you don't even know where to register a Pan shop, under which provisions of law and what you talk about. IT CLEARLY PROVES, You work just on presumption basis and write anything without any logic.


Originally posted by :dhyandharna

Even a pan shop has to register are you registered some where OR every thing bogus.


Your tone of writing in your first senseless post was very clear as if you treat Anna also as a Pagal, but now you try to resile from your own statement.


You have also not given DHYAN, what I said in reply to your post. I repeat here for you, if you have the capability to read properly:


Bogus are only those people who prefer to work with bogus and fake identity, like your friend JSDN and also prefer to change one to the other fake and bogus identity frequently, so that people may not identify them. If you know him, why you have not come forward to give his complete particulars, as I requested earlier. From all these things, doubt goes as if you are the same person or his associate who support his unethical practices.


Since long, your friend JSDN has not yet come forward with the legal definition of CEO. If you know the legal definition, you are also welcome to give the legal definition along with relevant section of law instead of harping on his tune repeatedly. If you also fail to bring forth some viable legal definition of CEO, you would also prove yourself to have no expertise in law. However, if you are able to to give me proper definition of CEO, I would not have any objection to relinquish that if not appropriate for me. BUT YOU HAVE ALSO FAILED TO GIVE ANY LEGAL DEFINITION of the term "CEO."


If you and your friend are so definite that I am a bogus CEO, why you fail to give legal definition of CEO along with relevant provision of law. IF YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT WHAT YOU TALK THROUGH YOUR POSTS, AND DON'T WANT TO REPLY MY QUERIES, WHY DO YOU REPEAT YOUR QUERIES WITHOUT KNOWING ANY MEANING AND LEGAL PROVISIONS.


It seems, like your friend "Your Advocate, alias JSKN, alias JSDN," you have also decided to get yourself exposed to great extent through your own posts. ANYWAY YOU ARE WELCOME, IF YOU LIKE SO.

Originally posted by :dhyandharna

How can you compare anna with this bogus person who is falsely claiming to be a  CEO  of some group.


Your present post proves my contention that you just presume and don't have any base in your writing.


Since you have failed to reply my queries all along, do you admit that you don't have any ligical answer with any legal base?


I repeat my queries again below along with additional questions out of my previous post:


1) Why did not you reply my questions put to you in my last post? I repeat the same below also.

2) Have you seen misleading advice of JSDN on the original thread of Mr. Sasidhara (both at page-1) and the reply of Mr. Nagaraja, which clearly proved him wrong? If you have seen that, would you like to support the reply of Mr. JSDN?

3) Just tell me under which section of which Act my group was required to be registerd?

4) Since you have raised the question of registration, just tell where you have registered your "Dhyandharna and under which registration No. & date


5) Is Your "dhyandharna" fake and illegal?


6) If accorsing to you Pan shop is also required to be registerd somewhere, why did not you give your own registration particulars and why do you presume without quoting the section of the relevant law and why you are not aware where Pan shop is registered?


7) When you are no able to give dhyan on very small and highlighted text, what dhyan you claim to teach others


8) Do you admit that your "Dhyandharna" and "SKJ Advocate" alias "SKJADVT-Sardarsena" are one and same person, but with different user ID, as you have not given any clarification on my doubt raised yesterday on 25.08.2011?

9) Do you admit that you don't know where to register and under which provision of law to register any organisation?

10) Do you admit that you don't know the legal definition of the term "CEO"?

11) Do you admit that Dhyandharna is a bogus and unregistered entity?

Originally posted by :dhyandharna

so you agree that you are not registered and making tall claims or abusing others.


Dhyanless Dhyandharan,


Only you need dhyan, not me, and reply my following questions, which you are evading. Avoiding to give any answer even on asking time and again, itself would prove that you don't have any general knowledge, what to say say of legal knowledge. IF YOU DON'T REPLY MY FOLLOWING QUESTIONS THAT ITSELF WOULD GIVE AMPLE PROOF THAT YOU ARE BOGUS:


1) Why did not you reply my questions put to you in my last post? I repeat the same below also.

2) Have you seen misleading advice of JSDN on the original thread of Mr. Sasidhara (both at page-1) and the reply of Mr. Nagaraja, which clearly proved him wrong? If you have seen that, would you like to support the reply of Mr. JSDN?

3) Just tell me under which section of which Act my group was required to be registerd?

4) Since you have raised the question of registration, just tell where you have registered your "Dhyandharna and under which registration No. & date


5) Is Your "dhyandharna" fake and illegal?


6) If accorsing to you Pan shop is also required to be registerd somewhere, why did not you give your own registration particulars and why do you presume without quoting the section of the relevant law and why you are not aware where Pan shop is registered?


7) When you are no able to give dhyan on very small and highlighted text, what dhyan you claim to teach others


8) Do you admit that your "Dhyandharna" and "SKJ Advocate" alias "SKJADVT-Sardarsena" are one and same person, but with different user ID, as you have not given any clarification on my doubt raised yesterday on 25.08.2011?

9) Do you admit that you don't know where to register and under which provision of law to register any organisation?

10) Do you admit that you don't know the legal definition of the term "CEO"?

11) Do you admit that Dhyandharna is a bogus and unregistered entity?

Dipangkar (Business)     26 August 2011

Originally posted by :dhyandharna
How can you compare anna with this bogus person who is falsely claiming to be a  CEO  of some group.

@ dhyandharna,

It was NOT me who was comparing someone with Anna, but it was You.

You said "budha pagala gaya he , anna ke pas bhej do"



It can only mean 3 things-------->

1/ Anna is a Doctor of "Madmen"

2/ Anna is Himself Mad.

3/ All Mad peoples ARE with Anna.



Anna is NOT a "Madmen" Doctor, so the First point doesn't arise here.


Your statement may indicate only toward the 2nd or the 3rd point. So please check up what you said.

G.Nagarajeshwar Rao (Advocate)     27 August 2011

All are going in side track. The question is Whether an advocate can do the business of "Amway"? 

The "Amway" business is basing on id basis. One person joins in the business of "Amway" he can be provided with an id. With that id, he can purchase the articles and he can use for his own or among his family. If he do not joins in that company the "Amway" products will not be sold to him without any id., he can purchase the same, from the persons who is having id of "Amway" company. Therefore it can not be said that mere taking id, that person doing the business of "Amway". He may be customer of "Amway". Therefore the provision of law quoted by Mr. Nagaraja Kumble will not apply for this business, until an advocate uses the id of "Amway" for his own, or his family.  

It is not out of place to mention that one should give respect seniors / senior citizens. It is not a place of abusing. It is watching entire world., therefore I request all my friends to be polite and maintain decorum of this web site.  

Originally posted by : Dipangkar

Originally posted by :dhyandharna

How can you compare anna with this bogus person who is falsely claiming to be a  CEO  of some group.


@ dhyandharna,

It was NOT me who was comparing someone with Anna, but it was You.

You said "budha pagala gaya he , anna ke pas bhej do"



It can only mean 3 things-------->

1/ Anna is a Doctor of "Madmen"

2/ Anna is Himself Mad.

3/ All Mad peoples ARE with Anna.



Anna is NOT a "Madmen" Doctor, so the First point doesn't arise here.


Your statement may indicate only toward the 2nd or the 3rd point. So please check up what you said.


Dear Dipangkar,


Thanks for your moral support. In fact these are the people who try to remain unidentified by using fake identities and also by chnaging even their fake identites time and again besides having duplicate or multiple  accounts in LCI with different fake identites . Since they intentionally did not give any reply to my questions at any time, they themselves prove their own fakeness.


They are probably having a misunderstanding that their real identities can never be detected. But they forget that if I make my determination to take some legal action against them for insulting me publically on a community forum, I can get their particulars through court order from the LCI. Even if they have registered at LCI also with their fake identies, they may be living in a fools paradise if they think that they cannot be accessed. In that case also I can get them stand before me to defend their position in a court of law by use of the electronic media to easily  access their true particulars.


Anyway thanks again.


Dear Nagarajeshwara Rao,


I am also thankful to you for your moral support against the unethical conduct and attitude of two community members.


About your reply to the question of Lawyer Sasidhara Sriram, I may like to request to review your reply in the wake of following facts. The question was not about taking a simple ID or buying products of AMWAY, but was about "becoming AMWAY Distributor and doing amway business."


You woul perhaps like to appreciate the fact that a business is a business to undertak commercial transactions, and not a shopping process in any way. Moreover the AMWAY plan is a chain system to recruit downline members to do business and also to sell products to them on commission basis. The more a member of the scheme recruits and sell products the more he earns and attains position in the AMWAY structure with the designations as you can identify from the following webpage of the AMWAY:


I am also jotting down below the extracts in brief of the salient features of the plan, terms & conditions, which clearly is indicative of marketing and selling of not only the products, but also the memberships to the public for further business, like agency system. I am sure that after going through the following extracts, you may probably like to think neither I nor Advocate Nagaraj Kumble was side tracking the issue through our replies on the question of Advocate Sasidhara Sriram.



"The Amway Sales and Marketing Plan is a low risk, low start-up cost business opportunity that is open to everyone. It allows you to build your business through retailing products and sponsoring other people who, in turn, can retail products and offer the business opportunity to others."


How to Join?

"I will present AMWAY products and the Amway Sales and Marketing Plan to all prospective Distributors in a truthful and honest manner, and I will make sure to present only what is approved in official Amway publications."


A few of the Rules of Conduct that indicates sales, marketing

-        "  I will present AMWAY products and the Amway Sales and Marketing Plan to all prospective Distributors in a truthful and honest manner, and I will make sure to present only what is approved in official Amway publications."


-          "I will accept and carry out the responsibilities of an Amway Distributor (and those of Sponsor and Direct Distributor when I reach such level), as set forth in official Amway publications."


-         " In my AMWAY product sales activities, and for the purposes of protecting the Amway Sales and Marketing Plan, I will use only Amway produced or Amway-authorised publications."


G.Nagarajeshwar Rao (Advocate)     28 August 2011


Mr. PS Dhingra, CEO, Dhingra Group!

Sir! Thank you!

One who is advise through this web site, he need not be a lawyer. It is enough to have legal knowledge. I have been observing that, some persons phosing that they are experts and lawyers, but they do not have primary knowledge about law. But unfortunately they are giving replies to the queries. It is very dangerous to the queriest, if they follow the advise of such persons. 



Dear Nagarajeshwar,


Thanks for your right interpretation about expert. That was for the persons to understand, who preferred to make mockery of their own profession by aggravating trivial issues and in a bid to side track the issue on account of their own deficient knowledge.  Even one of them got reply to their own question as anonymous querist on the term "expert" and Mr. Ramachandran very clearly provided solution to him at the following link:


They forget that if LCI registers some one as expert and the admistrators take their own time to register after proper examination of the information about the applicant, they would not have admitted that person without assessing any sort of expertise in him.


They also forget that during the course of some trials, even a judge finds the need to consult an expert, like forensic expert, handwriting expert, or a medico, who do not hold any degree in law.


They cannot claim that they are the experts, as they hold LLB degree. None of the degree holder can claim to be an expert in all the disciplines of law and nitty gritty of proesses and procedures of the world out of the deficiencies of which legal cases do arise.


If you like to see their replies as experts, you can find that on several count these persons have wrongly advised to some querists, who posed trust and faith on the experts registered on this site. I know some people just try to reach the hall of fame on this site by posting any irrelevant reply to gain points without any sense in their treplies or even by posting wrong advice, which only misguides the querists. But, they can't tolerate, if some one tries to rectify their fault or to supplement their replies.


EVEN, in this very question, although I had already sent the PM to the querist pointing out towards the legal provisions, but, I just asked JSDN to support his reply with the relevant section of relevant Act or by citing some case law. This infuriated him. Had he quoted some law point, I would also have been able to reconcile, had I been wrong even to a slight extent. Rather he would have been duly thanked by me for supplementing my knowledge. But he preferred to make hill out of a mole of the issue. He even did not hesitate to raise his voice against me on three other links, as follows, but never answered even a single question raised by me:


They forget that each of us learn from one another to become expert by sharing practical experience of each other and only theoretical knowledge, that too partial, can never make any one as an expert.

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