milan das 17 March 2020
TGK REDDI 17 March 2020
No, no Court can.
Dr. MPS RAMANI Ph.D.[Tech.] (Scientist/Engineer) 17 March 2020
Divorce seeking or otherwise a husband or wife cannot be forced to live with his/her wife/husband. In the event of refusal to live with, it can be a gound for seeking divorce.
milan das 17 March 2020
milan das 17 March 2020
Mastan 17 March 2020
The Hon'ble Court may order the husband to live separately from the wife when a Domestic violence case filed or may asks him issue security bonds towards the safety of wife.
In case of divorce case, Court may grant divorce and order spouse to get separate from other spouse. If husband violates this then thats a crime and case may get registered if wife complains.
And in divorce case, if court not granted divorce and case dismissed means the parties can live at their wish. Court can not force either wife or husband to live together.
To live together the parties have to decide. miya biwi razi tho kya karega khaji.
ANOTHER SIDE EFFECT OF SEPARATION towards Husband is monthly maintenance to be given for wife.
and the side effect towards wife is "incometax-free" monthly income by means of maintenance and QUEEN like life without any control or harassment
Mastan 17 March 2020
The Hon'ble Court may order the husband to live separately from the wife when a Domestic violence case filed or may asks him issue security bonds towards the safety of wife.
In case of divorce case, Court may grant divorce and order spouse to get separate from other spouse. If husband violates this then thats a crime and case may get registered if wife complains.
And in divorce case, if court not granted divorce and case dismissed means the parties can live at their wish. Court can not force either wife or husband to live together.
To live together the parties have to decide. miya biwi razi tho kya karega khaji.
ANOTHER SIDE EFFECT OF SEPARATION towards Husband is monthly maintenance to be given for wife.
and the side effect towards wife is "incometax-free" monthly income by means of maintenance and QUEEN like life without any control or harassment
Dr. MPS RAMANI Ph.D.[Tech.] (Scientist/Engineer) 18 March 2020
The court order will depend on what exactly the wife seeks in her submission. If the wife seeks restoration of conjugal rights, the court may order it. But it is unenforceable. If it is a case of desertion by the husband, the court can order maintenence under Cr.. P..C. I think it is 125.
TGK REDDI 18 March 2020
An Application for Restitution of Conjugal Rights forces an unwilling spouse to commit a YES or a NO so that the time of the willing spouse is not wasted.
chambers sheppard 16 March 2022