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katie cool (student)     14 August 2010


Why should an advocate in India wear a black gown, black coat and a white neck band? I just want to know the reason behind it.... :)

 25 Replies

DEFENSE ADVOCATE.-firmaction@g (POWER OF DEFENSE IS IMMENSE )     14 August 2010

Can you tell me why you have been given two eyes two hands even one each will be sufficient.

Adv Archana Deshmukh (Practicing Advocate)     14 August 2010

This is the dress code prescribed by the Advocates Act for advocates while appearing in the court.

2 Like


Black colour is a neutral colour and no other colour effect on it.  It is a sign that the advocate should be a neutral person which should not be effiected from any outside force or pressure and will remain intact at his own.  The white neck band; the white colour is the sign of fairness and neck band is a sign of gentleness.


So with this dress code an advocate is expected to be neutral, fair & gentle.


Any more descripttion required ??   

2 Like

Well done Harsh ji, you have not only describe the sence of dress code for advocates but also given its message to our advocate friends to be proud of their dress up and its inspiration.

katie cool (student)     14 August 2010

Ya.. Correct... Advocates should be proud to wear it! But why do they complain about the climatic conditions and things like that?? 

Koumarish Bhattacharya (Advocate)     14 August 2010

Every profession has its own merits and demerits. An Advocate may complaint about the climatic conditions, but they can not change either climate or their dress code. The dress code is an honour of the profession. The gown is called the Kings Counsel Gown. The reason for other dress code and its colours are very clearly and specifically mentioned by Mr. Harsh Nikhade.

N.K.Assumi (Advocate)     15 August 2010

Why ape the Kings Counsel Gown? Why not have our own dress code in spite of aping others?

1 Like

DEFENSE ADVOCATE.-firmaction@g (POWER OF DEFENSE IS IMMENSE )     15 August 2010

There will be different opinion if any dress code is prescribed. The dress code is just a way to declare that the person is a part of legal system .

DR.SANAT KUMAR DASH (Eye Specialist)     15 August 2010

AS       PER    THE   ADVOCATE    ACT      THE    DRESS     CODE     HAS   BEEN    PRESCRIBED.    SO      LAWYERS     MUST    OBEY     THE    LAW.    NO   GENERAL      PUBLIC       CAN       WEAR       &      PLEAD     IN    THE     COURT.


Please mind it.  The general public is not bond with any dress code or any dressed advocate to plead in any court in democratic India.  To seek justice no dresscode or profession is needed.  To say that "I am victim of injustice" no need of any dress code for people of India.  If their voice is not being listened it is not failure of the people but it is the failure of the judiciary and government.  Do the judiciary or government provide food, cloth, shelter and security to the citizens ?  No.  From where the advocates buy the dress ?  From the money of people who have to come to the court for seeking justice.  The people are clothless and courts are arranging well dress up for advocates from the clothless poor citizens to whom even bread is not providedneither by the government nor by the judiciary.

katie cool (student)     15 August 2010

Ram, so are you trying to say that the advocates are responsible for people living without the basic needs? And of course yes, advocates meet their expenses only from the money which they get from their clients!! And thats their only source of income.. And that is the case in any kind of profession... It is a rule that advocates should wear a particular dress when they enter a court and it should be followed... And that has its own reasons!! 


Expected reaction from a student.


I am saying that all the judicial establishment is standing upon public money and all the judicial servants including CJI are living on the people.  What is the use of well dressed judiciary when it is failed to repay the service?


If one day salary will not be given to CJI he will take the sky up on the head so why he is not serving to people due to whom he will get huge pension and other benefits till his death without work?


Please get the things behind curtain. 


And, remember that providing justice is a state concern and is a fundamental right of people that cannot be counted with private money like buying 1kg. sugar from a shopkeeper who is an advocate or else or it is better to getout of the dress up as an advocate and open a general store so moral will also be not a subject.


And, remember that providing justice is a state concern and is a fundamental right of people that cannot be counted with private money like buying 1kg. sugar from a shopkeeper who is an advocate or else or it is better to getout of the dress up as an advocate and open a general store so moral will also be not a subject.

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