Originally posted by :Kiran Kumar |
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you can explain the illegalities committed at various stages through the appropirate zimmini orders and evidence on record.
but if you are to make some complaint to the High Court then you may mention their respective names. |
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Respected Sir,
Thank You very much for your spontaneous help.
I need to confess right at the outset that I am not a professional lawyer, am not sound in law vocabulory and hence would like to be educated on "Zimmini order", how it has to be presented to the court, what will be the likely impact/value addition to the case.
As of 'Evidence on record', I have RTI reply that shows that 3 specific judges have erred v.v. grossly in the very fundamenatals of law, court ethics when the case came up in their courts at 3 different milestones of the case. The proceedings itself are erroneous and hence the orders that they have passed are ABSOLUTELY pathetic, unacceptable that is worthy of being brought to the notice of higher authority.
Sir, I definitely would like to file it as a complaint to high court rather than take it up as a writ. It is a very strong case and it is definitely a complaint. These 3 judges have erred in the very fundamentals of court and is worth being highlighted to the higher authority in the line. It will be great help if you could suggest how to prefer a complaint. Is it through a "Letter". What is it called? What are the procedures? I am located in Delhi.