Additionally, I am surprised as to how one case is allowed at Ghaziabad under 498a (which deals with Cruelty) and other under DV Act at Kanpur (which again deals with cruelty/violence).
Saurabh at one hand wife files for cruelty u/s 498a and under DV she again pleads for residence order. Is it not obsurd. how it is acceptable?
Either the cases would have been filed at Ghaziabad or at Kanpur. Is it the case where you and your wife lived at Ghaziabad or Kanpur along with your family for considerable period?
If she lived with husband and now husband has to live with parents because He doesnt have his own house and nor job to pay for residence order . what is the likely judgement in this case.
As I remember, there is a Supreme Court judgment which says that to file a case under DV Act, the complainant has to show that she lived in domestic relationship for more than 6months.
Is this true. I heard from a lawyer saying even if she stayed with husband 1 hour she can file DV case on him.