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Srinivasan (IT)     31 July 2015

Can i argue as a fake complaint

My father in law came to my home to took my wife to their home at that time I was not available at that time so my parents told him that husband is not there and we can ask the permission of husband .

At that time my father in law went to the police station and write a complaint says that " they are harrasing my daughter and she didnt get any wellness , if I went now there they are not allowing to see my daugther so give permission to let my daughter to my home"

After that police came to my home and enquired to my wife and my wife told to police that I want to go to my home. So then police called every one to police station and again asked to my wife about this complaint.

In police register the police write that " As per this complaint we had called every one in police station and asked to (My wife name) and she told that she is leaving with her father as her own wish with the permission of husband parents " my wife also signed and my father in law also signed, and my father also signed "

So in this incident can I argue that her father's NC complaint is fake one?

Experts pls reply


 9 Replies

saravanan s (legal advisor)     31 July 2015

have you got a copy of the extract from police register

Srinivasan (IT)     31 July 2015

Yes, I have the certified copy of the police register

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     31 July 2015

First of all there is something wrong.  When your wife wanted to go with her father it is clear that your parents created so much scene that your fathjer-in-law had to take help of police.  This does not happen without a background. Normally a father does not easily take such step to take daughter from the house where he sent him with huge expentidute.  Such steps are normally taken to save daughter form extreme torture.  you are hiding facts.


WHen police comes to your home, in all probably your parents were unmoved so the police has to take them to thana and then their resistance may have reduced.


what do you want to complaint.  "You did not permit and she falsely wrote that you permitted".  I am sorry.  You are not living in taliban rule  had it been so then your wife could have been arrested for leaving without husband's permission.  Are you aware what evidence you will be offering against you by such complaint.


How does it matter whether you permitted or not?  Your pemission has no legal sanctity unless you are convinced that your wife was your lawful prisoner or a purchased commodity.

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     31 July 2015


three months back you stated that MC case is going on.

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     31 July 2015



8 days back you stated that you have been cheated by wife and yet wanted ot file RCR

Srinivasan (IT)     31 July 2015

Sudhir sir legally my permission is not required to my wife to go to their home. This is not the first time, it is the third time happening like that before that I had issued a legal notice to my wife to come back and after that only her parents bring her to my home.

In this case my father in law had given NC says " they are harrasing my daughter and she didnt get any wellness , when I went now there they are not allowing to see my daugther so give permission to let my daughter to my home"

So when ever a complaint received with harrassment the police has to enquire first, in law has given the complaint about " harrassment" but after enquiring to my wife she didnt told any harrassment to the police. She told that I want to go to my home with my parents.

In police register the police write that " As per this complaint we had called every one in police station and asked to (My wife name) and she informend that she is going with her father as her own wish with the permission of husband parents " my wife also signed and my father in law also signed, and my father also signed "

and there is no case has been regitsred on this NC. 

Can I argue as a Fake NC complaint by in law?

Srinivasan (IT)     31 July 2015

Yes my wife also lied that she has passed BBA degree

I got the RTI letter from her university says that " this person is not registered for any course in this university"

& I have her marriage advertisement also

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     01 August 2015

you still have chance to reap more trouble for you.

Need Help   03 August 2015

Srinivasan, you can argue that your wife left matrimonial home without any valid reason i.e wilful desertion. This will be supported by the NC compliant where she has failed to reason out any strong reason to take step if leaving husbands wife, when he was not around.

I dont understand why u want to take her back ...RCR ??

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