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Pareshan Purush (Engineer)     24 September 2014

Can i run away and live alone

a. Married for 4 months and marriage was by emotional blackmail like commiting suicide, defaming, creating ruckus in office? Can i challenge marriage if she in a remorse mode admitted on calls, chats and email that she forced me emotionally?

b. Can i run away without telling her and live separately, can she take legal action amountable to any criminal offence for notliving with me?

c. My parents do not know about the marriage, can she cause them any harm using 498a even though my parents dont know that i was blackmailed and such a thing has happened?

d. what marriage proof can establish marriage, if there is no video and only some pictures? what pictures and things specifically establish a temple marriage if I somehow manage to destroy the temple certificate?

e. Can i file a divorce on grounds on mental harsssment and character assasination within 6 months of marriage?


 2 Replies

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     25 September 2014

@ Author,

1. If I recall correctly 10 days or so ago I replied to your similar query. 

2. I feel what you should do is to consult with an seasoned local Advocate found via reference and discuss all your facts and seek local opinion instead of creating multiple posts with more or less same facts and yet remain confused.

Practically it is possible for a husband to renounce his marriage and leave society and should not have been heard off. Personal Law allows one to take such extreme steps. But why one should do so when solution exists to such briefs is worth putting application of mind by you !

[Last reply]

Adv. Chandrasekhar (Advocate)     25 September 2014

I want to say "yes", but I worry by that answer am I not throwing you from pan to fire.  Full facts shall be known and with that halftruths you get wrong legal advice.  If the other party is stubborn and you play your tricks of destroying temple marriage certificate, there is a possibility that she may clamp the most henious allegation of rape.  So, as advised by Mr. Tajobsindia, consult your local advocate with full facts and get a good advice.

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