Dear Nilesh, if your wife suffered from epilepsy and did not disclose it, so you simply opted to divorce, that being your personal choice but if someone's wife after marriage discovered that her husband has erectile dysfunction then what in the normal course of action she should do?Indian wives treat their husbands as semi-gods but we treat them as slaves.Even if she had that desease and did not disclose it, the choice may not be her alone but instead of giving her solace or treatment you started cruelity and kicked her out then what would that poor and hapless lady would go for?She has every right to demand for the maintenance because she lost her verginity by becoming your legal half.In Hindu terminology an ARDHANGINI. so would you simply cut your ANG or treat it first, if it became infected?Pay her dues or face the music of law but that would not be so easy for her too.She has to undergo another hardship in the court.In such cases neither wife wins nor the husband but real winners are the advocates on both sides who ruin two families by their tactful moves.Please comfort her and treat her, epilepsy may be incurable but it can be controlled by your sweetness.Sorry being harsh.Take care and god bless you.