There are many bank officials who deal with many loans and all of them are not suspended. So there is something which you did not like to share, which makes this loan special that bank had to consider your suspension
You said that “I made my recommendation in the loan documents” certainly no loan will be sanctioned without recommendation. It just cannot be argued that the recommending authority had no responsibility. The competent authority is entitled to accept recommendation.
You have so far not stated that loans were all right and admissible as per bank guidelines and policy.
You said “To obey my superior officer order” Public servant has no liberty to follow illegal orders of superior and escape responsibility. Many police officials act on superior directions of politicians and pay by their career.
Your said “But all the above said loans are recovered. There is no financial losses to the bank” Recovery is one aspect. The offence of frauds stands completed when recommendations of a fraudulent loan is signed. It the loan is recovered then Bank may not be interested to give FIR against you and borrower. But this is no defence in disciplinary case.
You said “One enquiry officer came and searched all the loan documents” Inquiry Officer does not do any such search. He may be Investigating Officer. Inquiry Officer is appointed after chargesheet and the said Investigating Officer may be a witness before him.
My question is :
1. I submitted my resignation letter 2 months before the date of suspension order. Then what happened to my resignation letter? There is no news on that till today about my resignation letter . They accepted or rejected ?
Ans : This forum may not know what happened to your resignation you may seek the same under RTI as it is a Govt Bank.
2. All the loan amounts will be recovered. There is no financial loss to the bank. Then why the management kept silent ?
Ans : This forum may not know what happened to your resignation you may seek the same under RTI as it is a Govt Bank.
3. Why they not relieving me till today. Why this much delay?
Ans : This forum may not know what happened to your resignation you may seek the same under RTI as it is a Govt Bank.
4. There is no charge sheet issued to me till today even after 4 months from the date of suspension.
Ans : My dear on 12.8.12 you submitted reply to the explanation. (you are not sharing with this forum what was the explanation call and what did you reply). On 1.9.12 you expert a decision on chargesheet and suspension. It is Govt organization and the matter is sensitive dealing with career of a person, reputation and discipline of the organization. It is too early to expect even drafting of chargesheet half a month full of holidays. You have also not told whether the reply was submitted in person to the appointing authority or sent by post.
They not given me any clear cut solution about, whether the bank will revoke my suspension order or send me out from the bank.
Ans : There is no such provision. If they have to revoke suspension they will issue revocation order. If they have to continue then they are bound to issue review order after three months.
I dont know whether am able to join in any other govt or private job in this situation?.....
Ans : It is least likely. Your only hope lies that the Bank take mercy on you (when you beg for it) and accept the resignation and you join other department without stigma. All depends to what extent higher authorities are annoyed.