Q: Can wife harass my parents?
Ans: Wife's are born to harass husband's parents. [Only just 1% of wife's do not illtreat the parent-in-laws, which am sure you wont find in this forum :-))]
Further to your questions:
2. Wife left home willfully after an argument along with my son (6mnths old), went to police station and she and her parents wrote down false complaints against myself, my parents and my elder brother ( non diarized written complaint).
3. I have tried calling her back multiple times but no response from their side. 13 months since she deserted me.
Instead of calling her back multiple times, one notice from your lawyer would have done wonders. Even now it is not late. You send a notice to her to join you back, not at your parents house, but at a different house, so that the most used qualm of wife's I want seperate house gets smashed, even before she ask for it!
4. In the meantime i took up a job away my native place at a nearby township and have been staying alone for 8months. i have tried informing this to her both telephonically and through registered posts.
My query is that can my wife enter my parental house and claim it as her matromonial home as her belongings are still at my parents home. i have no problems in her joining me back at my new place but can she harass my parents even now inspite of me moving out.
Under PWDVA wife can get exparte orders for residence and for protection as your wife and your's last place of residence was infact the matrimonial house, ie your parents house, [provided if the house of your parents is not a ancestral property, and is a self aquired property, she cannot gain entry to your parents house] , provided you are not found at your parents house. If you are found at parents house, she can barge in with police protection !
As you have already moved out, which is a very well calculated move ! Kudos to that one! You have freed your parents from danger of DIL [devil] barging into the house, and telling that this is my house, I have right to stay here, I wont go from here etc. She cannot do all this :-)) Lets clap on that one!
If yes, Please advice how my aged parents should tackle the problem if she tries to forcebly enter into their house claiming it to be her matromonial home when she left.
Even if she gets exparte orders via PWDVA case, she cannot stay at your parents house, at the most she could be told to join you at your new place of residence. Even if you dont want her to join you in your new place, I have better ideas to give you via PM, as to how to avoid devil wife getting back into your life and making life heller than hell!