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Bab (self)     20 April 2014

Cancellation of marriage after enagement.

Dear Sir,

My problem is very different.

I need your valuable suggestion regarding my marriage problem.

I was engaged with bride on mar/14 by mutual understanding of me, bride and our both families in presence of our relatives and marriage mediator  and marriage date(May/14) was also finalized on engagement date as per Hindu tradition and culture in restaurant.

At the time of marriage discussions, bride’s father himself offered some properties as a gift to her daughter and some money for our marriage expenses. We also offered gold to bride for marriage which costs equal to some money which offered by her father.

Before engagement, bride’s father gave us half of some money for marriage expenses by mutual understanding in presence of relatives and marriage mediator.

After 40 days of engagement and before 2 weeks of marriage , her father told that they want to cancel the marriage due to horoscopes are not matching and if she will marry me, she will face lot of problems in future as their astrologer said.

My family has reputation in society and we have lot of relatives. We already said to all about my marriage. But bride family dropped marriage due to horoscope mismatch.

I feel now that my marriage life was spoiled due to cancellation of engagement and ours is very traditional family. It is not that much easy to marry another girl practically and also my family dignity was spoiled in society. We all are requested bride’s father. But he refused.


I and my family want to get justice from bride’s family. We want to fight legally to punish them.


Best regards,


 2 Replies

kumar (ooo)     20 April 2014

Dear Bab,

                 Think you are lucky since your marriage got broke after engagement and before your wedding. I guess there was some  issue in girl. Now you need not go for court for divorce.

                My suggestion is

              1) Return back whatever gift you got from girl and collect back all your gift from girl

               2) Search for another girl, Do proper back ground verification of that girl and family

              3) If both family agree and horoscope matches then you personally meet girl few times so that both of you will come to plus and minus of each other

              4) Have a simple engagement

              5) Then have a marriage as per your wish

              6) Dont demand too much dowry as dowry you took will become weapon to your wife in future to blackmail (I  wish you get a good wife)


Think better marriage got broke before wedding. What would you have done if marriage broke after wedding? You and your parents have to go to court for divorce which would have taken 2 to 3 years.


I wish you all the best

cyberlawyer (barrister)     20 April 2014

I agree with the view taken by Mr.Kumar. 

Usually the bride and the groom's family will go for horoscope before engagement and fixing marriage. This is very weird wherein the engagement is over and marriage is ended after fixing date of marriage. 

Surely there is some issue on the bride's side. 

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