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Mahadev   14 August 2017

Cannot understand case status

Respected Lawyers/Members,

Could you please explain what does the below mean for a divorce case as I am unable to understand 

case status -  CASE DISPOSED

Nature of disposal-  Uncontested dismissed for default

The date wise case status  is showing as :

Recitfication of defects

Rectification of defects

Disposed off

I cannot understand what the above means and also what does Rectification of defects mean ?


 5 Replies

Siddharth Srivastava (Advocate)     14 August 2017

The case is dismissed in default due to non appearance of plaintiff hence case stand disposed.

Mahadev   14 August 2017

Thanks Sidharth Sir. My Advocate never told me there is a date for this case and instead the next date was showing in Sep2017. Suddently when i see today the date has been changed to August 2017 and the status which i posted earlier . Is my Advocate hiding something from me ? What are the next legal options in front of me now ? Is it that i need to file a new petition again in the same court or different court OR Is my wife also free now to file case as a petitioner. I was the petitioner earlier ?

Do i need to approach the same court of High court ?

Mahadev   14 August 2017

With due respect, the case is in an area where the whole bar is her's owing to her uncle working in that Court . I do not want to write further but you know what I am hinting at.

Siddharth Srivastava (Advocate)     14 August 2017

In fact you had depended on site status which is not dependable. Due to frequent changes the confusion might have created. Get the court file inspected without any further delay. If case is dismissed in default and if you are plaintiff then file application for restoration u/o. 9 Rule 4 or 7 or 9 CPC depending on circumstances and grounds. Why should a lawyer hide or misreprepresent you? There is no wrong on part of advocate. It does not matter if any relative of you or your wife is working in court. After all cases are win on merits only and not on relation basis. I am not denying some initial benefit can be gained by relation but ultimate result will only be gained on merit of the case. Sidharth 9811776422

Moxit Shah   14 August 2017

it is really sorry state of affairs for you. really it is surprising how your matter got dismissed for defalut and even your advocate has not informed to you. you urgently contact any other advocate and file restoration applicaiton to restore your matter, without any delay. my no. is 9913945154

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