My mother had purchased a land in the year 2001 for 210000
Cost of Land 160000
+ 30000 for registration
+ 20000 for broker charges and cleaning charges
Then in the year 2008 I constructed a house with 10lakh loan and 7 lakh cash = 17 Lakhs
Then in the year 2011 I had to recontruct the compound wall and painting for 2 lakh
Then in the year 2015 I had to reconstruct water tank and complete painting and repair work for 240000
Now in the year 2016 (sep), we have got a buyer for 5580000 Rs.
can you please help me in computing the CGT due from me? Are there any means to reduce the tax liability?
My mother is a senior citizen
Now, after the Capital Gain is computed, is it sufficient that she invests only that capital gain in a buying another house?
Can she buy the new property as a co-owner along with me?