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uberkool (none)     15 May 2012


I had bought a car from a company in july 2011. The company made the papers in my name and the payment to the company was made by DD from my account.

Company issued a NOC for ownership transfer in my name. Company also gave me all Form 29, form 30 etc in my name.

I had taken a personal loan from a friend to buy the car. (There is no record of that transaction as it was on mutual understanding and he paid me cash and didnt take any reciept)

I paid 4 lacs to the company taken from my friend. within 2 months I repayed him 2.5 lacs (there is no record of this transaction as well I paid ain cash and dint take any reciept as well)  and there was a balance of 1.5 lacs left now.

My friend said that his car is in workshop and he needed the car for some time. In good faith I gave him the car alongwith all documents. Till this time I had not given the car documents to be transferred in my name. Car was still in the company's name.

After using the car for a couple of weeks my friend called me and told that the tyres were old, so he on his own replaced them wiith new tyres. It was without informing me ort taking my consent.

After some days he said the battary is dead and on his own replaced the battary.

After some days when i asked him for the car back he said the engine is developed some problem and he has bought some parts on advise of some mechanic and getting the engine done up.

After this whenver I asked him for the car he said the cars engine is open and work is being done, when I asked him to show me what work is being done he gave me excuses that he is out of station.

Now he says that he has spent about 1 lacs ion the car and I will have to pay him 1.5 lac balance from the loan that i had taken from him and the additional amount of rs 1 lacs that he has spent on the car.

In nutshell he is asking me to pay 2.5 lacs to return the car to me.

He has been constantly using the car since it has been bought and is not giving me the car.

I approached police but since he is a local person he has influence in police stations as well and the police is also singing in his tune.

What should I do now. My 2.5 lacs are with him. My car is also with him.

1. Car is still in company's name.

2. All original car documents are with him.

3. I have given a written application in the RTO to stop transfer the car in anyones name except me.

4. I have managed to get photocpies of the original documents of the car from the company including the NOC isuued in my name, copy of DD that I paid and reciept of the company. Company on my request stamped these photocopy douments and written that issued duplicate on my request.

5. I am unable to transfer the car in my name as the RTO wants car to be physically present in RTO for transfer in my name.

6. Car bears a Lucknow registration number. I bought the car in Gurgaon from the Gurgaon office of that company.

7.  I stay in Gurgaon, he is also stays in Gurgaon. Car bears a Lucknow registration number. I bought the car in Gurgaon from the Gurgaon office of that company.

I have tried mediating the isuue with help of some common friends but he is adamant and is not budging.

In police station also he said that he is not using the car and the car has been lying in such and such workshop since 1 year. He is capable of gennerating false witnesses being a local guy and being a property dealer.


I am badly stuck. Now I neither have the money that I repaid to him and nor do I have the car.

I am just left with the photocopies of the documents - Copy of DD, company reciept, registration certificate of the car, Insurance, NOC in my name, Form 28, Form 29 etc.

Now what can be done to reposses the car from him, without paying him the extra 1 lac that he is asking.

I dont want to compromise and pay for tyres, battary and engine work as he is using the car not me since July 2011.








 8 Replies

Arvind Singh Chauhan (advocate)     15 May 2012

At first try to lodge the FIR. If police is not cooperating, take the help of police and file application under 156(3) Cr.P.C..

uberkool (none)     15 May 2012

The police are investigating the case but the whole thing is being done in favor of the opposite party as he is a local and knows local police guys thru his network.

Is there any law by which the car can be re-possed by the court and handed over to me as it is not his property from any angle, he is just acting tough being a local and balckmailing me into coughing up 1 lac rupees part of which might have been offered as bribe (I am not sure)....

He is forcefully and illegally possessing the car.

Is there any kind of court order that can be taken immediately on the basis of documents that I have. These are notarised documents.  

uberkool (none)     15 May 2012

By court order I mean an order that can withdraw the car from his possession on an immediate basis.

I also fear vandalsing the car by him as I have made a Police complaint against him upto the levels of Commissioner and below through registered post and email.

Copy of that complaint has been handed over to me by the concerned police station. It has all kinds of remarkds by the senior police officers of the distt.

jatin mehta (properitor)     15 May 2012

hi friend i have just read your case and i feel police FIR will work in these stiutation and once police does the fir they will have to show what action they had taken for same and also fir will help u to prove that u had taken the action also when u had taken loan from your friend and no agreement u had made , please note in goof faith u r giving them money back is also a good thing from your side i am sure its just a time bad stituation but try to workout these situtation and try to see how these stitutation works  for u good , 

jatin mehta (properitor)     15 May 2012

i aslo would suggest make a complain of  lost of car ,  as if  your friend misuse the car  u will not be responsible  and inform your company also for same , and try to inform them that id  your friend  misuse the car  u will not be responsible as the car is in the name of company 


and also  tell your company also to make  fir as car is in the name of company 


Ranee....... (NA)     15 May 2012

contact higher officials of police if local police is not responding.

uberkool (none)     16 May 2012

  1. I have already lodged a police complaint by regd post and email to Commissioner, ACP and SHO.
  2. I have a stamped receipt of the complaint from police as well.
  3. ACP had called me a couple of days ago and heard my side of story.
  4. He called a cop from the concerned police station and asked him to record my statement.
  5. My statement has been recorded.
  6. The opposite party was also called and their side was also heard. but their statement hasn't been recorded so far to the best of my knowledge.
  7. The attitude of the cop seems accomodating and friendly towards the accused. Accused shook hands with the concerned cop while coming and going and were at ease. 
  8. I said why should I pay for the repairs carried out by the accused on the car without my permission and consent.
  9. Case is under investigation. But police will try to close the case by asking compromise between me and  the acused. they may ask me to pay at least some additional amount to the accused apart from the 1.5 lacs that is the actual outstanding amount.
  10. What should I do to protect my interest ? The car is not with me since july 2011. The accused is both using my car as well as my money. Why should I pay them for the maintenance they have done on the car. 
  11. Someone please respond with a solution that fixes the gray area of accused asking for money (1,00,000) spent on changing tires, battary and engine repairs.

uberkool (none)     16 May 2012

Firstly if accused had any problem with me they should have filed the compaint first.

Secondly they kept ignoring my phone calls asking the car back from them, they kept on telling me that they are out of station for personal work and will talk to me once they are back. They pushed quite considerable amount of time doing this hide and seek and then I got frustrated and filed a  police complaint. 

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