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Suresh (Admin)     17 April 2012

Car tyre warranty issue

Dear Sirs,

I purchased a Scorpio from a well known show room in Hyderabad city on Nov. 24,2011, on the third day of purchasing the car, i observed that one of the car tyres has damaged, it has a cut on the edge. I approached to the show room, they were very friendly, and said that they will resolve the issue at the earliest point of time and will replace the tyre. And I am calling them very frequently, they are telling some stories over the phone, and the time has passed. In the last month I took it like a serious issue and forced them to do something quickly, they took some snaps of the tyre, and they sent an email to the Tyre manufacturing company i.e. Bridgestone, and they put me in CC. And after few days the bridgestone people replied and told that it will not come under the warranty, because it has a cut on the edge and for that there may be so many reason and its not a manufacturing defect, the document that the bridgestone people attached with the email has a non-relevant info to my vehicle, the model and the kilometers that they mentioned in the doc are not correct. At this point, can go to a consumer forum? if i go to the forum, what are the things i needed to get the judgement in fa vor to me? Please advice me

Thanks in advance. 

 3 Replies

Suresh (Admin)     18 April 2012

Can anyone advice me?

Democratic Indian (n/a)     18 April 2012

If the cut on tyre is caused by careless driving over or near some sharp object, then how it can come under any warranty?

Adv. G. A. Gagdani (ADVOCATE AND LEGAL CONSULTANT)     18 April 2012

what documentary proof you have regarding starting of problem from

collect all rlevant documents i.e. your first approach and any other written communication.

approach local advocate and file a petition in consumer forum

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