I have audio evidence of my in laws provoking my wife to become violent to my dying mother, and causing disharmony by not caring for anyone in matrimonial house (provoking her), father is a old weak heart attack patient and diabetic.
Mom died shortly after my wife left with kids (taken away by wifes father mother and brother)
Wife instead turned violent on me (witness was my son), have a audio conversation recording with him later on.
They filed 498a (and typical other charges), DVC on me and my family at time when my mother was dying.
Can I file cases against them or go to police for criminal cases:
- Intention to cause death by shocking
- Causing disharmony, breach of peace
- Intentional harassment
- Filing false cases (have strong audio proof for this)
Which IPC codes should I use and will the police register FIR and can I make a case against them in court?????