what are the case laws for proving that pre marriage pregnancy is cruelty to the husband.
christy (student) 14 August 2013
what are the case laws for proving that pre marriage pregnancy is cruelty to the husband.
milesmaxx (Employee) 15 August 2013
According to the recent law of tamil nadu,if any unmarried couple of the right legal age “indulge in s*xual gratification,” this will be considered a valid marriage and they could be termed “husband and wife,” the Madras High Court has ruled in a judgment that gives a new twist to the concept of premarital s*x.
Ranee....... (NA) 15 August 2013
Is the pragnency due to the husband or by some other man?If by the husband then no question of cruelty aries because it is a matter of understanding.If it is not from the husband and wife marries a different man with a unborne child from different man then it is definitely a cruelty and husband can get divorce on this ground.
Why it needs case law?
It itself can make a case law !