Dear Sirs,
Can anyone may please provide recent case laws/citations on violation of provisions of APApartments Act, 1987.
What is the effect of AP Apartment Act, 1987 if any promoter/builder intends to sell an apartment or flat with out prior approval of plans and specifications by the local authority?
Whther a promoter is allowed to take advance by way of filling an appliction form with out written agreement? how much the promoter is empowered to collect the advcane?
what is effect of non - registration of Agreement to sell to be or entered by promoter with purchaser without prior approvals/clerances?
what is the remedy available to the purchaser of an apartment or flat, if he enters in to an agreement to sell where the plans and specifications annexted are tentative with out permission of local authority, subsequently the promoter alters or changes the plans and specificcations as per the recommendations of local authority and alters or changes the plans which seriously affects the interest of the purchaser ?
Kindly clarify the above situations urgently.