I would like to bring to the notice of hon. members the following howler:
In a 138 case, the complainant averred that I am the managing director of the company and I have been authorized to file this complaint. But no resolution was attached.
2. After his death, the son A.B.C. submitted the following resolution on 7/1/2012 for substitution:
Extracts of the Resolutions 'passed in the Board Meeting of the ---------------
held on Monday, the 22/8/2011 AT 10,30 A.M. AT THE REGD OFFICE -----------
"RESOLVED THAT due to the sudden demise of ___________, Director of the company, she ceased to be a Director of the Company with immediate effect. The Board expressed their deep concern and put on records their appreciation for the invaluable services rendered by ------------during her tenure of Directorship."
"RESOLVED FURTHER that _______________ the Director of the Company be and is hereby authorized to file the necessary Form 32 with the Registrar of Companies, for cessation of --------------
"RESOLVED FURTHER that --------------- and ------------- Directors of ------------------ be and hereby are authorized to operate the bank account of ---------------- held with ---------- Bank,
Further they will have the rights to receive Cheque(s), Demand draft(s) etc. and also make payment by issuing Cheque(s), Demand draft(s) or to withdraw cash etc. on behalf of the company, ______________ to conduct the business affairs of the company in a smooth and efficient manner."
"RESOLVED THAT _______________ and ___________________Directors of the company on behalf of the company be and are hereby authorized for and on behalf of the company to do all such acts, deeds and things as may be required to give effect to the aforesaid resolutions"
This resolution nowhere specified that the son A.B.C. was authorized to represent the company in relevant court case.
The accused moved an application before the court objecting to the substitution as it was against parameters laid down by Bombay High Court in Entertainment Society of Goa vs Ritza Wine Pvt. Ltd. and was not maintainable in the absence of specific resolution in favour of A.B.C. To the horror of accused, the complainant moved another application on 15/03/2013 and submittred another resolution for SUBSTITUION OF A.B.C. which too was alleged to have been passed exactly at the same time, same date and same place i.e. 10.30 a.m. on 22/08/2011 at its regd office (15 months after moving the first substitution application and said Quote
That the complainnt after the death of managing director ______ passed resolution authorizing Mr. A.B.C. who is a directore of ________ to supervise the proceedings in the Hon. Court. [SUPERVISE THE PROCEEDINGA IN THE COURT IS HORRIFIC PRAYER. Since when the complainants have been authorized to supervise proceedings in the courts? So now this complainant will direct or oversee the performance of courts.] It is prayed that Hon. Court accept the relevant resolution passed by the company and A.B.C. be substituted as the representative of the company. Unquote
The second resolution reads as follows:
Extracts of the Resolutions passed in the Board Meeting of the Directors of __________________ on Monday, the 22nd of August 2011 at the Registered Office of the Company at _____________ at 10:30 AM :
"RESOLVED THAT due to the sudden demise of _____________ Director of the company, she ceased to be a Director of the Company with immediate effect. The Board expressed their deep concern and put on records their appreciation for the invaluable services rendered by ________________ during her tenure of Directorship."
"RESOLVED FURTHER that _______________ the Director of the Company be and is hereby authorized to file the necessary Form 32 with the Registrar of Companies, for cessation of ______________".
"RESOLVED THAT Mr. A.B.C. and X.Y.Z. Directors of the Company be and are hereby entrusted with substantial powers of management and affairs of the Company and are authorized to do following acts, deeds and things as may be required:
1. To Manage and conduct day to day business operation of the Company.
2. To sign, submit all types of statutory forms, applications, declarations, notices, returns, statements, certificates and all other statutory compliances etc in relation to Business of the Company to the appropriate authorities across India and abroad.
3. To appear for and to represent the Company before appropriate authorities in relation to Business of the Company across India and abroad.
4. To receive summons, notices etc and to sign, submit and verify various statements, applications, affidavit, declarations, undertakings, and other requisite documents whatsoever and file them in any Court, Tribunal, in connection with operational convenience and effective management of Business of the Company in India and abroad.
5. To engage Advocates, Chartered Accountants, Company Secretaries for this purpose.
6. To delegate to any subordinate or outside party, the power to collect all types of statutory forms, any papers, cheques, demand drafts, etc. from any person, bank or any regulatory/statutory authorities, ministerial offices in India and abroad.
7 And generally to do and execute all such acts, deeds and things as they may think fit or necessary and/or incidental in case of legal proceedings by or against the Company.
and to delegate, sub-delegate the powers to such other person/s and to vary the powers conferred on such other person/s from time to time and to do all such acts, deeds, sign documents, issue instructions as are necessary to conduct the business affairs of the Company in an efficient manner.
"RESOLVED FURTHER that Mr. A.B.C. and X.Y.Z. Directors of the Company be and are hereby authorized to operate the bank account number __________
RESOLVED FURTHER that Mr. A.B.C. and X.Y.Z. Directors of the Company be given individual and unlimited signing authority to conduct and operate the account in order to facilitate business transactions and that the account be operated by "either or-survivor" signing rule.
RESOLVED FURTHER that Mr. A.B.C. and X.Y.Z. Directors of the Company be and are hereby authorized to receive Cheque(s), Demand draft(s) etc. and also make payment by issuing Cheque(s), Demand draft(s) orto withdraw cash etc. on behalf OF THE COMPANY _____________ and to conduct the business affairs of the company in a smooth and efficient manner."
"RESOLVED FURTHER that Mr. A.B.C. and X.Y.Z., Directors of the company be and are hereby authorize to represent the Company individually or jointly in all the matters relating to the Company and to do all such acts, deeds and things as may be required to give effect to the aforesaid resolutions and to give a signed certified copy of this resolutions to any Authority/Parties as may be concerned.
This socalled resolution too does not authorize Mr. A.B.C. to represent the company in a court of law. Mr. A.B.C. and X.Y.Z. have been authorized only to give effect to the aforesaid resolutions.
It IS NOT ENOUGH. ONE OR TWO RESOLUTIONS ARE IMMATERIAL. A.B.C. has been allowed to be substituted without a valid resolution despite objection of the accused.