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Amol Kende (No)     28 June 2015

Catagory resurvation


I have question is the constitutional resurvation facility as per the cast is valid

or is valid for powerty basis

if its on cast basis than is any hindu open cast person not have right to work with govt or take any higher education if he dont have capacity to earn for higher education?

 3 Replies

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     12 July 2015

reservation has been upheld by many court orders


secondu part of query is not understood.

Amol Kende (No)     23 August 2020

but as per the condition no body can dharm the knowledge based but now daya we found that 90per of open cat student not getadmition seat but through reservation 45 per student hotaat by this way adjust making digree holders knoledgable dont have any value?

Ananya Gosain   01 September 2021

RESERVATION FOR ECONOMICALLY WEAKER SECTION-Constitution 124th Amendment Bill, 2019 provides 10% reservation to the economically weaker sections (EWS) in the General category. The bill facilitates reservation for EWS in direct recruitments in jobs and admission in higher educational institutions. The reservation of EWS of the general category will be given without interfering with the existing quotas for SC, ST, and OBCs people. Persons who are not covered under the scheme of reservation for SCs, STs, and OBCs and whose family has a gross annual income below Rs 8 lakh (Rupees eight lakh only) are identified as EWSs for benefit of reservation. Income shall also include income from all sources i.e. salary, agriculture, business, profession, etc. for the financial year prior to the year of application. CASTE RESERVATION- Scheduled Castes (SC) are given 15% quota in jobs/higher educational institutions while Schedule Tribes (ST) are given 7.5% quota in jobs/higher educational institutions. Reservation for Other Backwards Classes (OBC) was introduced based on the Mandal Commission Report (1991). The quota for OBCs is 27% in government jobs and higher educational institutions. However, there is a concept of ‘creamy layer’ with respect to the OBC reservation. Only those from OBC who comes under Non-Creamy Layer would get OBC reservation. The creamy layer concept brings income and social status as parameters to exclude some of the privileged members of OBC from the extent of reservation. This concept also keeps a check to ensure that the benefits of reservation do not get extended to subsequent generations. Hope this helps Regards

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