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Kishore (engineer)     22 April 2014

Caveat petition

Hello Sir/Madam, My father had a Maintenance Case by his second wife (not my mother), who doesn’t have children. The judgment came in favor of my father by proving my mother as legally wedded wife and the other lady has failed to prove herself as wife. My mother gave witness of my birth certificate and some proofs in this regard. Recently, My father passed away and my grandmother (my father’s mother) filed a caveat petition on our house against a neighbor of our house. The lawyer they have appointed for this caveat petition have told this petition is only to prevent the second wife not get any injection order on the house. But the situation looks cloudy that my grand mother and her daughter (my father’s sister) are trying to avoid myself and my mother not to have any rights in the house which was came from my grand father and the great grand fathers. The house was a village panchayat house and hence it doesn’t have any registered patta. The only thing we have is village house tax bills and water tax bills. Please kindly help me to find out what is going on there. What is exactly my grandmother and her daughter is really doing on that house. Thanks in advance, Kishore

 1 Replies

Mahesh R. Sonawane (Lawyer/Fight for justice)     22 April 2014

"filed a caveat petition on our house against a neighbor of our house".

if it is correct then why to worry... get transfer the property in your name, if anyone object it, then you have to file civil suit.

what is in the mind of your grandmother and his advocate no one can say...but definatly there is some thing.

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