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498a victim (job)     14 July 2016

Caw inquiry

Respected all

as i have posted my topic earlier also 

like to mention in short

my wife has deserted me bcos of her some demands didnt fulfilled

we have try from our side but they came only once and quarreled with us and went away taking all her stuffs with her

now after 2 months i got a letter from CAW for inquiry

they involved my mother father brother and uncle and aunty out of which last three were wrongly involved

so my ques. is what things i need to take care at CAW

and another thing is as my brother also wrongly involved in this as he is living separately 350 kms far from our place

CAN HE FILE DEFAMATION case against them for wrongly charged?

please do reply fast

thanking you in advance

 5 Replies

Khush   14 July 2016

well, just attend all the caw meetings.

do not miss any meeting.

tell them that ur brother is staying at so n so place, so he is not involved at all in ur family matters

no, do not think of any defamation suit

498a victim (job)     14 July 2016

Thanks Khush

for your reply but can you tell me why not to think of any defamation suit?

A walk alone (-)     14 July 2016

Brother nothing you will get by filling any suit court only give dates. Only wastage of money and time. Attend all CAW meeting. If you see any possibility of MCD then try MCD. Court procedure is very long.

Mukesh sharma (job )     14 July 2016

HI ronak as your wifemention your all family but you not ned to be affraid for this and caw is common medition process its take time for you and ask question about to you and why you have dispute with your wife 

thats all so plz attend all metting they called to you and try to solve your matter their not more in court or police station and caw have no right to arrest to you 

you ned to tell them all condition according you brother not live with you and she had mention his name wrongly and all about you family 

why you want to file defamtion against caw its not need 

they do their owen work and you wife file application than they call you you show them all truth 


Sood   15 July 2016

CAW is not a mediation but somehow they tries to compromise btwboth the parties if there is no compromise it can be hard situation for u and ur family.... engage a good lawyer

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