Is there a judge in India that fit the descripttion by Harold Laski in his tribute to Justice Holmes, describing a great Judge: " A great judge, must be a great man.He must have a full sense of the seamless web of life, a grasp of the endless tradition from which we cannot escape.he must be capable of stern logic, and yet to refuse to sacrifice to logic the hopes and fears and wants of men. He must be able to catch a glimpse of the ultimate in the immediate, of the Universal in the particular.he must be a statemen as well as as jurist, thinker as well as lawyer. What he is doing is to shape the catagories through which life must flow, and he must have a constant sense of greatness of his task.He must know the hearts of men, and yet ask to be judge from the conscience of their minds. He must have a constant sense of essential power, and yet to be capable of humanity in its exercise. he must be the servant of justice and not of its master, the conscience of the community and not of its dominant interest. He has to put aside the ambition which drives the politician to search for power and the thinker to the construction of abstract systems. No one must be more aware of the limitation of his material, none more hesitant about his personal conviction. the great judge is perhaps the rarest of human types, for in being superemely himself he must yet be supremely selfless. He has to strive towards results he cannot control through material he has not chosen.He has to be in the great world and yet aloof from it, to observe and examine without seeking to influence. A political systems which produces great judges can feel some real assurance about its future. A great judge it is said, seek to make the infinitely small illuminate the infinite great. These are stern andexacrting yests but they set out an ideal and a goal, distant and remote from the reach of most of us though they may be, still for the attainment of which, even though partially and not in full measure, there has to be ceaseless striving and sustained effort. "Extract from the book Neither Roses Nor Thorns By justice H.R.Khanna. Page 86.