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Akram (Network engineer)     05 January 2012

Change of fathers name in certificates

Hi, My fathers name is MOHD ASHFAQ HUSSAIN on my birth certificate and passport. However all my educational certificates bear my fathers name as MOHD ASHFAQ only. Since i was living abroad my passport was made even before i had completed my SSC. So due to this reason now i am facing a problem  for having ECNR done on my passport since i want to travel abroad.

will an affidavit be handy which states that both the names mentioned above are of the same person.

Any valuable help would be highly appreciated. Thank you 

 8 Replies

Shaulabh Shah (advocate)     05 January 2012


In my opinion...

an Affidavit will surely solve your problem....


Shaulabh Shah



adv. rajeev ( rajoo ) (practicing advocate)     05 January 2012

Affidavit can be sworn stating that both the names are belonging to same person.  If it is agreed by Passport authority then no problem, otherwise you will have to file a suit for mandatory injunction to rectiry the mistake against the state Govt., and Deputy Director of Public Instructions by following the procuedure of sec., 80 of C.P.C.

Akram (Network engineer)     05 January 2012

Thank you guys for your response......... I will surely make an attempt with an affidavit and let you guys know the progress soon......

mahesh verma (service)     05 January 2012

no.....u cannot change ur fathe's namer bcoz what u have mentioned in ur ssc xam will continue forever there is no exception after passing ssc even president of india cannot take any step in ur matter so it is better for u to satiafy ur self what ever u mention in ur ssc certificate without knowledge of ur father so that u may live in his house.........

Deepak Rane (Manager)     21 August 2013

Mr. Akram, can u pl update me what finally you have done

Rama chary Rachakonda (Secunderabad/Telangana state Highcourt practice watsapp no.9989324294 )     04 September 2013

Yes. Father name cannot be changed. When SSC marks memo recorded already. If any spelling mistakes can be rectified.

GOPI (OWNER)     14 February 2014


This is Suresh from Hyderabad.

My uncle name is mentioned as my father in my all educational certificates including PAN and passport.

I have other other identity cards like ratio card, Aadhar card with my father name.

How to change the my father name ? Is it possible through Gazitte notification ?

Please let me know.



MARG (NONE)     12 July 2014

Respected sir,

I have all educational certificates in my  name 'JANI MARGKUMAR JITENDRABHAI'.Then,I changed my name to 'JANI MARG JITENDRABHAI' (removed 'KUMAR' from my name) by publishing it in concerned govt.gazette and received the copies for the same.But,the problem is that my father's name in all his document is 'JITENDRAKUMAR' (which is his true name).Moreover,my name in birth certificate is 'MARG' and father's name is 'JITENDRAKUMAR'.So,what can i do now?how can i prove that 'jitendrabhai' and 'jitendrakumar' is same person?

Can my father publish that both his names are in use at different documents in govt. gazette?

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